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Former SEBTS Student Addresses Social Justice Issues Plaguing Southern Baptist Seminaries

by | Mar 13, 2019 | heresy, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Former Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Seminary Student, Jon Harris, has been on the scene in recent weeks exposing the unbiblical agenda that is raging out of control in Evangelicalism. He started his critique with an expose on his own former Seminary and president, Danny Akin, and has discussed various other topics of social justice in the Church as well.

In this episode: Southeastern now has a degree in “Justice and Social Ethics” meant to give ministers a “prophetic edge.” Core classes include “Ethics of Wealth and Poverty” and “Social Justice and Race Relations.” JD Greear’s 03/10/19 sermon equivocates the Judaizer heresy with racism and xenophobia, as well as being too proud of an American or Southern identity. Young American’s for Liberty appears to have possibly supported the LGBT and MeToo protests at Liberty University on 03/06/19.

You can follow John Harris on Twitter here.

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