It’s no doubt that Beth Moore, herself, is apostate. She departed the faith long ago when she started claiming direct, divine revelation from God and making outrageous claims that God was going to unite Christians with the false church of Rome. Beth Moore is a favorite among the new Evangelical social justice warriors and has been a Southern Baptist darling of LifeWay for many years.
Beth Moore, by all discernible standards, is a false teacher. While she should be out of the public eye for more reasons than just her poor exegesis (women are not allowed to preach, according to God), instead, she’s out partnering with false teachers and leading women — and men — astray.
Recently, she joined several rank apostates, like Joel Osteen, Matt Crouch, and Brian Houston, to film an episode of Let’s Talk for Brian Houston’s Hillsong Channel and TBN.

What’s worse is that Beth Moore, who is heavily promoted in Southern Baptist circles, thinks that these people are Christians. Russell Moore of the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission regularly gives her glowing accolades on Twitter and some Southern Baptists have even suggested nominating her as the first female Southern Baptist Convention president. Sadly, many pastors are feeding their sheep directly to the wolves through Beth Moore.
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Below are some images from their gathering.

Beth Moore, Joel Osteen, Praise the Lord Beth Moore with Brian Houston Beth Moore with Brian Houston Beth Moore with Joel Osteen