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God Told Rick Joyner America is About to Enter the 2nd Civil War, and That We Will Win

by | Jan 26, 2019 | Blog, heresy, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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CHARLOTTE, NC – Let’s just lay this out on the table–Charisma News is stupid, and they promote stupid people and say stupid things. It’s not just that they are all charismatic lunatics with nothing better to do than babble and roll around on the floor shaking likethey’ve just grabbed a 10,000 volt electric fence. No. Like Roman Catholicism, the charismatic movement with its hub at Charisma News has created, fostered, and promoted an entirely different religion altogether–and the call it “Christian.”

In a recent piece by Rick Joyner–the well known false prophet at Morningstar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC–recently claimed that he had a dream where God revealed to him that America was on the verge of its 2nd civil war, and that this time, America’s purpose would be fulfilled.

Now, before I get into the ridiculous nature of Joyner’s “prophetic dream” and the frivolity in which he handles the subject of God’s revelation, let me explain to you why Rick Joyner (and every other person claiming to be a prophet) is a false prophet.

…when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.Deuteronomy 18:22

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Rick Joyner claimed that he visited Heaven. This is a direct violation of biblical truth, God’s word, and an example of the Colossian heresy. (You can read about that here.) Joyner also prophesied about the destruction and devastation that the world would see due to the fake Y2K crisis, claiming God told him these things. They never came to pass. (You can read more about that here.) He’s part of the heretical Latter Rain movement and promotes the Manifest Sons of God theology. Basically, he is a self-seeker and a self-promoter who doesn’t serve God but contradicts Him.

In this supposed dream he had, he writes,

In the dream, I was waiting in line to be sent to fight one of these enemies when I was approached by an angel and told I had a different assignment. I was then taken to a large device that was showing “A History of the American Republic From Heaven’s Perspective.”

So, notice that this is what false prophets do–they set the stage by claiming that the revelation is directly from Heaven, which, by default, threatens judgment upon those who would disagree with him.

As I watched this, I saw that if I walked across the face of this device, to my right the times progressed toward the present. I decided to go to the end to see heaven’s perspective on what was happening now. When I came to the present, there was a sentence written in brilliant glowing golden letters: “The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War is inevitable, it is right, and it will be successful.”

From what I had seen as I walked to see the present, I understood why this Revolutionary/Civil War was “inevitable” and why it was “right.” As I stood pondering this, feeling that this might be the most important revelation I had ever been entrusted with, I woke up. I felt that I had been given access to this history of “The American Republic” from heaven’s perspective, and that I would be going back to it for more understanding to help us prepare for what is to unfold.

Charismatics view America as “God’s chosen people,” that is, they believe that America is in many ways an extension of Old Testament Israel, and that America’s purpose is to be the conduit to which God reveals himself to the world. Therefore, America must take the lead in reclaiming the culture and paving the way for the return of Christ.

What he’s essentially saying here is that because America has previously “failed” in God’s purpose of establishing “government of men that would establish and maintain liberty and justice for all,” that we are now on the verge of having another civil war that will ultimately win out God’s purpose.

What is God’s purpose according to Joyner and these other charismatic false prophets? Well, much like the social justice warriors of the New Calvinist movement, it’s to make this world a better place to live. Things like ending racism and various injustices, perceived or real, that cause some people to feel less equal.

From heaven’s perspective, we did not win the Revolutionary War. From heaven’s perspective, that war was about more than just gaining our independence—it was about liberty and a revolution in the government of men that would establish and maintain liberty and justice for all. Some significant things were accomplished in this war, but there were also some very basic ways that it fell far short of what heaven viewed as successful. If the Founders had truly believed that all men were created equal—what they declared to be the reason for seeking independence—then slavery would not have been possible and the Civil War would not have been inevitable.

But, according to Scripture, these things are not God’s primary concern in this world. Yes, as Christians, we should be seeking to do justice and mercy in the world–but our primary purpose is to glorify God through the proclamation of His word, drawing His elect to himself and out of this world. Jesus said that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.2 Timothy 4:3-4

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