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SBC Prez: God Says We Need to Shut Up About the Reformation

by | Jan 9, 2019 | Blog, The Church, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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The Reformation was our defining moment as Protestants. It’s who we are, it’s our history. It was the moment the gospel was recovered from the grips of the apostasy of the Roman Catholic religion and made available to the common man. It was the wellspring of good theology of which we rest our knowledge of God on. Apart from the Scriptures itself, the Reformation gave birth to the greatest understanding of Jesus Christ and his saving gospel of grace that history has ever seen.

Remember the days of old;
    consider the years of many generations;
ask your father, and he will show you,
    your elders, and they will tell you.
When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance,
    when he divided mankind,
he fixed the borders of the peoples
   according to the number of the sons of God.

Deuteronomy 32:7-8

However, at the Cross Conference a few days ago, JD Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of the multi-campus Summit megachurch in North Carolina, declares that God says we need to “shut up about the Reformation” because He is “not a God of the past.”

Basically what God says through Amos is if you’ll let me put it in colloquial language, “will you shut up about Gilgal and Beersheba?” I’m sick and tired of hearing about those places because I’m not a God who moved in the past. I’m a God who wants to move today in your present. I almost think, I’m on dangerous ground here…I almost think that God is saying to us “shut up about the Reformation.”

For your viewing pleasure, here is a link to the entire sermon.

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