In this age of moral relativism, where every wind of doctrine is blowing and the foundations of biblical truth are being vigorously attacked, the Church of God cannot afford to shrink back. The Word of God, unadulterated and absolute, stands as our guide and the voice...
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Witch “Pastor” Complains that Nurses Try to Save Babies Who Survive Botched Second-Trimester Abortions
Rebecca Todd, a "Presbyterian" "pastor" who is most notable for preaching a pro-abortion sermon wearing a Planned Parenthood stole celebrating her own abortions, recently preached a sermon complaining that some nurses attempt to save the lives of babies who survive a...
Megachurch Pastor Says Not Supporting Same-Sex Marriage is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Dr. Field Harrison, a megachurch pastor of Amen Church in Dallas, TX, is making headlines over recent comments about homosexual relationships and marriage. His insistence that those who hold to a biblical sexual ethic are committing the unpardonable sin of blasphemy...
Drag Queens Hold Drag Queen Story Hour at Church in Chesterland Ohio
Drag Queen Story Hour has been a perversion plaguing public libraries and schools around the nation for several years but what about Drag Queen prayer time for children during Sunday morning worship at church? In a recent spate of pulpit perversion, churches...
“Christian Transgender” 🤡🤡 Joins Jim Wallis on MSNBC to Trash Christians for Pointing Out Dangers of Transgenderism
In the wake of the violent hate crime against Christian children perpetrated by the transgender community and exacerbated by their calls for a "transgender day of vengeance," Christians and conservatives have rightly been concerned about the safety of children and...
Revoice Founder Defends Transgender Shooter: “Devastating Form of Parental Rejection”
Everyone knows that the shooting that took place in Nashville by a transgender assailant was a hate crime that targeted Christianity and the Christian worldview. Several mainstream news outlets have attempted to spin this incident (because why wouldn't they?) blaming...
Breaking: Disgraced Hillsong NYC Pastor Joins Staff at Heretic, Mike Todd’s Transformation Church
Back in September of 2022, we reported on the scandal that led to the firing of Hillsong NYC pastor Carl Lentz and we predicted that Lentz may be attempting a comeback. After months of silence on social media, Lentz had posted a series of family photos and a message...
Bethel Pastor Makes Bizarre Claim: Woman’s Amputated Toes Regenerate During “Healing” Service
Bethel Church, notoriously known for its bizarre and outlandish claims, is led by a group of cult-like charismatic blowhards that lead the congregation in a series of bizarre, deceptive practices like grave-sucking, highly emotive music, and an obsession with false...
Andy Stanley’s False Gospel: I’m a Christian Because it Made My Life Better
If you need more proof that Andy Stanley is a false convert leading people to Hell, look no further than his most recent sermon.Andy Stanley has been in our headlines quite a bit in recent weeks as we have exposed on a massive scale the pro-homosexual sentiment with...
David Platt Says He Loves Jesus Even More Because of False Teacher, Francis Chan
The controversial preacher Francis Chan, known for his increasingly ecumenical views that blur the lines between biblical Christianity and other denominations such as Roman Catholicism, is once again promoting a superficial unity among diverse and often contradictory...
Russell Moore Will Join “Enneagram Godmother” for Enneagram Gospel Conference
The Enneagram is a secular personality typing and self-awareness system that claims to provide insight into one's "true self" and spiritual freedom. However, its origins in Gnostic principles and teachings are incompatible with Christianity, and any suggestion...
“Gay Pastor” Says Drag Shows Are Safer For Children Than Churches
Last week, the notorious "gay pastor" Brandan Robertson joined Jeff Durbin and James White on Apologia to debate whether or not men who practice sodomy can be Christians or not. Of course, Brandan held the affirmative position and, well, pretty much got...
Jesus and Liberation Theology: Beware of Bible Project’s Tim Mackie, Part III
We've been running a series on The Bible Project's Tim Mackie for the last few days where we've covered his subversive Bible-twisting agenda and false teachings. In Part I, we covered Mackie's twisting of the Scripture to suggest that Jesus practiced Eastern Mysticism...
Iconic London Church Hosts Drag Queen Performance
The Church of England was founded by King Henry VIII in the 16th century after he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church due to his failed attempt to divorce his wife. As we explained in great detail in a previous article, the Church of England has devolved into a...
Tim Mackie of Bible Project: Jesus Says Some People are Born Homosexuals, (Beware Part II)
In previous articles, we have discussed the Bible Project, a highly popular YouTube bible-teaching initiative run by Tim Mackie. However, we've warned that Mackie's theologically liberal approach to Scripture is reflected in many of his explanatory videos as well as...
Megachurch Pastor Mike Todd Says People Don’t Go to Hell For Sin
Pastor Mike Todd of the Transformation Church has been growing in popularity at an alarming rate, despite his repulsive and controversial behavior. Earlier this year, Todd made headlines for turning tithing into a million-dollar lottery, using his congregants as...
Tim Mackie Says Jesus Practiced Eastern Mysticism, Beware of This Dangerous False Teacher, Part I
We've written previously on the highly popular Bible Project which is operated by Tim Mackie. Despite the increasing popularity in his YouTube short clips explaining passages and books of the Bible, Mackie takes a theologically liberal approach to Scripture and much...
David French Defends Genital Mutilation of Young Children in the Name of “Parental Rights”
David French, a far-left faux-Christian political transient who now calls himself a "libertarian" despite his infatuation with advancing progressive policies while labeling them "Christian," is now defending the chemical and surgical castration of young,...
Rick Warren Tells Russell Moore There are Hundreds of Interpretations of “Women Pastors” Passages
Rick Warren recently went on the Russell Moore podcast to complain that his former church is being kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention over the ordination of women pastors. Saddleback Church, which was removed earlier this year due to Rick Warren ordaining...
Dude Who Plays “Jesus” in The Chosen Explains How He Prayed With Dead Gay Man
There's a show called "The Chosen" that's gaining popularity among Evangelicals, but it's actually spreading some serious heresy. The show is produced by the Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon cult. Despite this fact, many Evangelicals seem to love it without...
Steven Furtick Sells Tickets for Worship Service Tour for Hundreds of Dollars Each
If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I’ve not seen it. Jesus’s words were clear, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of...
Pretend Pastor Says Your Faith is “Too Small” If You Don’t Support Abortion
Speaking at a pro-abortion rally in Minnesota, a pro-choice "pastor" says that if you don't support abortion, your faith is "too small." T. Michael Rock serves as one of the Co-Pastors and Teachers at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ in Robbinsdale,...