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“Christian Transgender” 🤡🤡 Joins Jim Wallis on MSNBC to Trash Christians for Pointing Out Dangers of Transgenderism

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, Gun Control, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, US, Video | 0 comments

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In the wake of the violent hate crime against Christian children perpetrated by the transgender community and exacerbated by their calls for a “transgender day of vengeance,” Christians and conservatives have rightly been concerned about the safety of children and innocent people who come in contact with these dangerously disturbed people.

But no fear, a “Christian transgender” man who dresses like a woman has joined the founder of the far-left Sojourners publication, Jim Wallis, to trash Christians as being un-Christlike for pointing out these dangers.

“I served in the military. I go to church every Sunday,” he said, pretending to be a woman. “My faith is very important to me. But God made me in her image. God made me transgender. And to see these people so cynically weaponize this and exploit these children’s deaths and their teachers’ deaths, it breaks my heart.”

When asked by the MSNBC host, the silly weak woman, Joy Reid, what he feels when people like Michael Knowles or Tucker Carlson point out the dangers behind the militant transgender movement, the trans-clown answers:

“I can’t see Christ in their words, that’s for damn sure. I can’t see where the biblical principles of loving your neighbor and walking the walk with Christ that they can see. I can’t see what they’re seeing right now, because that’s not of Christ.”

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