When a true believer goes to church on Sunday morning, they expect the Scriptures to be opened, read, and taught. They expect God to be honored and worshiped in spirit and in truth. They expect the Word of God to convict us of our sin and encourage us in our walk,...
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Roman Catholic Church’s Newest “Saint” – a 15-year-old Who is Called “God’s Influencer”
Can anyone truly believe that elevating Carlo Acutis to sainthood is anything more than idolatry? This young kid, who died at 15 from leukemia, has been transformed into what they call "God's influencer" by the Roman Catholic Church.But what does that even mean? Can...
Rabbi Says Christians Should Be Worshiping All Jews Because They “All Die For Their Sins Everyday”
It’s bad enough that Judaism is a false religion, a religion that denies Christ. John says in 1 John 2:22 that this is the antichrist. But what about an orthodox Jewish Rabbi who tells Christians that they shouldn’t just be worshiping one Jew—Jesus. But that they...
Columbus Day of Judgment: From Dark Idolatrous Lands to Divine Providence in the Americas
Today, as we observe Columbus Day, we find an excellent moment to ponder on God's divine providence. Often overlooked in the midst of barbecues and discounted sales, the monumental voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492 was no accident. From a biblical perspective,...
A Dire Warning to Andy Stanley: The Looming Millstone of Divine Judgment
In Mark 9:42, Jesus Christ Himself delivers a sobering and forceful warning that should echo in the ears of anyone daring to distort the truths of Scripture: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great...
Ohio “Pastor” Does TV Commercial Twisting Scripture to Support Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment
In the land of make-believe—otherwise known as Columbus, Ohio—a man by the name of Tim Ahrens plays dress-up as a pastor. The setting? The First Congregational Church, a stage in the theatrical United Church of Christ, a denomination better known for its creative...
Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?
Welcome to a discussion that dives deep behind the fog machines, laser light spectacles, and thunderous sound systems, addressing not just one, but multiple elephants in the room. First, the theological disarray among a plethora of megachurch worship pastors—those...
Worship Pastor at JD Greear’s Summit Church Says Having Sex Before Marriage Was Good, Helpful
Former SBC president, JD Greear, has been under fire on social media in recent days after a video surfaced of him advocating for his church's diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI) program. But what exactly is the result of that program? Apparently, this.You may remember...
Holy Spirit or Dopamine Trip? Emotional Manipulation in Charismatic “Worship”
We've witnessed in recent years a surge of hyper-emotional events masquerading as expressions of genuine Christian faith. These gatherings, such as the Passion Conference, Hillsong concerts, and other events connected to the charismatic, word of faith, and prosperity...
What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?
Have you ever slummed through a sermon by a preacher like Steven Furtick or Andy Stanley? Have you ever really just sat and listened to them preach. It's easy to be drawn in to the charismatic mood changing, emotionally-driven style of speech or worship. They quote...
Radical Pro-LGBTQ Activists Feel at Home at Queer Conference at Andy Stanley’s Church
Former Southern Baptist Convention president, JD Greear, once said that churches should be the safest places for homosexuals to come out of the closet. In that same sermon, he said that Christians should stand up against discrimination in the "LGBTQ community," and...
Andy Stanley’s ‘Embracing the Journey’ Conference: A Full Report and Exposé. Part 1
Andy Stanley and his associated churches have all been under fire in recent months after a series of exposes outing North Point as not simply tolerant, but completely embracing of homosexuality. The Dissenter has published numerous articles demonstrating Stanley's...
Anglican Professor at Union Seminary Says “Queerness is Central to Christian Theology”
It's increasingly evident that we are living in times where apostasy is not just knocking at the door of the Church but has made its way to the pulpit. Patrick Cheng, a visiting Anglican Studies professor at Union Theological Seminary, is offering a course on Queer...
Employee Gives Tour of Megachurch: You Can, Like, Drop Your Kids Off Here and Enjoy Church
For years, I've vociferously criticized the megachurch movement for its lack of concern for the gospel while morphing into venues more akin to circuses and entertainment hubs than houses of God. In fact, most of these megachurches are an appalling departure from the...
Bethel Leader Says Jesus Appeared Bodily and Told Him 500K Instagram Followers Means “Guaranteed Ticket to Heaven”
Cory Asbury, a Bethel-affiliated "worship" artist, recently took to Instagram to make claims that leave one questioning not just his theology but his grip on reality. According to Asbury, hitting the milestone of 500 thousand followers on Instagram was not just a...
Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism
Criticism of the doctrine of cessationism is hardly a novel phenomenon coming from the charismatic wing of professing Christendom. Yet in recent years, a concerning shift has become increasingly evident. Hostility towards this doctrine has intensified, crossing the...
IHOPKC “Prophet” Says God Re-grew Trans Woman’s Breasts After Listening to His Testimony and Coming to Christ
Self-proclaimed "prophet" and "seer", Micah Turnbo—who is straight out of the heretical IHOPKC and the Kansas City Prophets movement—has amassed a huge following on social media, but his spectacle is more theatrical than theological. Brandishing titles like "Seer...
David Platt Steps Down as Lead Pastor, Assoc. Pastor Who Says He Wants to “Torch All White People” to Take Over
Men like David Platt—who spend the majority of their time in ivory towers barking commands at the rest of the Church to “stop being racist” while urging them to give up their own “positions of power” to people of color—have a really hard time wrapping their heads...
Bethel Pastor Says You Can Dictate What the Devil Does and What God Does Through Prayer and Prophecy
Frankly, Bethel Church in Redding California is no church at all. It is a blasphemous, idolatrous organization ran by gospel-distorting men and women who do nothing more than lead people right into the hands of the enemy. From its faux signs and wonders to its rank...
Female Pastor From Ministry Promoted by NOBTS Compares “White Christianity” to “Easy Mac”
Despite her array of worldly "credentials" and an illustrious résumé that spans from BET to Yale, "Pastor" Gabby Wilkes stands as little more than another woke Marxist pawn on the Evangelical social justice chessboard. Her claim to the title of "pastor" serves more as...
SBC President Unites With God-hating Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion Feminist to Battle Christian Nationalism
This past week, some Christians went to the G3 Conference in Atlanta. This conference featured many Reformed and Reformed-ish speakers, sound, biblical worship of the Creator, and fellowship with other believers, which is a rare occurrence on this level. And while I...
“Gay Married” Speaker Strikes Back at Al Mohler for Criticizing Andy Stanley’s Queer Conference
Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and arguably one of the most influential theologians in the Southern Baptist Convention has been repeatedly criticized for his failure to lead in a timely manner by conservative Christians. As a matter...