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The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

"White guilt," you've heard of it. You've read it in the headlines. And you may know people who suffer from it. But what is it? Is it a mental disorder? Is it some other kind of ailment? Or is it sin? The term "white guilt" is far from innocuous—it is a calculated...

Why Ash Wednesday Is Not Christian, But Unbiblical

Why Ash Wednesday Is Not Christian, But Unbiblical

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the six weeks prior to Easter Sunday that mainly Roman Catholics, but some Protestant denominations celebrate annually by drawing a cross on their foreheads with ashes. As it is the first day of Lent, it begins a season of fasting and...

Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

A parable ( παραβολή ) is pretty much what one would naturally think it is. We don’t get any earth-shattering revelation from the Greek word. A parable is an illustration, metaphor, or simile comparing two things, usually one more familiar than the other, in order to...

God Hates Religious Diversity

But Catholics and Islamics aren’t the only ones. Progressive mainline Protestants have set aside doctrinal integrity for years, making social justice their gospel allowing them to work with anyone who stands on the same principles of inclusiveness in their circles.

Five Marks of a False Convert

Five Marks of a False Convert

Being a Christian is by far the greatest blessing one could receive. Who can reject the glory of God, and the awesome love and forgiveness that Jesus has to offer? Yet, sadly, there are many out there who have convinced themselves that they are Christians, when,...

Divine Impressions, Dreams, and These Voices in My Head

Divine Impressions, Dreams, and These Voices in My Head

“God spoke to me.” “God gave me a dream.” “The Holy Spirit led me.” All these represent claims that I hear just about every time I am around other Christians. Rare is the modern Christian that does not make these claims. Rarer still are those that dare to question...

No, Jesus Did Not Die to Make You Rich and Healthy

No, Jesus Did Not Die to Make You Rich and Healthy

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. --1 John 2:15 “God wants you to be successful, wealthy, and healthy, so give me your money to plant that seed.” That’s the mantra of the charismatic...

Liberation Theology, Queer Theology, and the Woke Church Movement

The early beginnings of liberation theology can be traced to Latin America in the 1960s. The thrust of this movement began as a result of young Catholic and Protestant theologians reflecting on the people’s life of faith within the context of the people’s resistance...

Heresy of the Day #13: Multiculturalism

A popular buzzword in the culture today that has been heralded as a virtuous goal worth pursuing is "multiculturalism." On its face, it sounds noble--it sounds like it promotes respect, tolerance, peace, and love throughout a nation filled with people from diverse...

Heresy of the Day #12: Egalitarianism

Heresy of the Day #12: Egalitarianism

Egalitarianism, for our purposes here, is a postmodern heresy that denies the hierarchical structure of God’s created order concerning male and female. This unbiblical view has no historical representation prior to the last third of the 20th century.Some rather...

Christian Rapper Associated With Lecrae Renounces Christianity

Christian Rapper Associated With Lecrae Renounces Christianity

Former Christian Rapper and a founding member of The Cross Movement Records, a record label that also produced Lecrae's music prior to him moving to Reach Records, has renounced his faith. The artist, Brady Goodwin, who goes by the stage name Phanatik, published his...

Reformation Charlotte’s Top Stories of 2021

Reformation Charlotte’s Top Stories of 2021

2021 has been a hectic year, for sure. But we’ve continued to work tirelessly to bring you the stories that other outlets refuse to cover all from a biblical perspective. Below are some of 2021’s top stories reported by Reformation Charlotte. If you feel so inclined,...

The Sovereignty of God over His Enemies

The Sovereignty of God over His Enemies

The Bible gives us accounts of several cases in which God interacts with Satan or Satan's demonic minions. For example, we read this story in Job 1:6-12: "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among...

Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of “Love”

Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of “Love”

Heresy: Hermeneutic of “Love” This will be, as always, a highly abbreviated summation of a much larger topic for the sake of awareness and information. It's impossible to do more than give a general sense in an article of this kind.For the Christian, “hermeneutics” is...

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