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Is Anyone Righteous, Even One? What Does the Bible Say?

Is Anyone Righteous, Even One? What Does the Bible Say?

Romans 3:10 states, "As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one.'" To understand this verse, we must first consider the broader context of the book of Romans as a whole. Written by the Apostle Paul, the New Testament book of Romans is widely regarded...

Five Reasons Why Freemasonry and Christianity Cannot Co-Exist

Five Reasons Why Freemasonry and Christianity Cannot Co-Exist

Freemasonry is rampant in the Church, both in the Evangelical Church as well as other denominations. Freemasonry is a brotherhood — a secret society — of men who, as they claim, come together to work for the common good of humanity. In fact, Freemasons actually do a...

Boy Scouts Organization Inaugurates First All-Girls Troop

WASHINGTON TIMES – Washington, D.C., marked the end — and the beginning — of an era this weekend when the Boy Scouts of America established its first all-girl troops in the nation’s capital. Now known as Scouts BSA, the organization — which celebrates its 109th...

Church Turns Worship Service Into Superbowl Celebration

Crossroads Church of Lexington lead by Mark Stetcher held a Superbowl celebration this past Sunday morning in lieu of a reverent, God-honoring worship service. What does a biblical church do on Sunday mornings? The local church is a gathering of Christians who come...

Phil Johnson Responds to Hit Piece Trying to Discredit John MacArthur

If you weren’t aware already, today, a hit piece by Paige Rogers showed up in the media attempting to discredit John MacArthur regarding his recollection of the event that took place with him after the Martin Luther King shooting. As MacArthur recalled, he was with...

Pope Francis Tells Muslims “Faith in God Unifies Us”

Pope Francis recently took a trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an Islamic State in the Middle East where renouncing your Islamic faith is illegal. In a video message to the UAE people, Francis expressed solidarity with them as a result of their “faith in God.”...

Jennifer Eivaz: God is Telling You to Repent By Tipping Your Carts Over

ennifer Eivaz is a crazy charismatic who has made more outrageous claims than arguably anyone alive today regarding God. Whether it be “smelling the body odor of Jesus if you have the gift of discerning spirits,” that “Luke 21:18 prevents hair loss,” or just your...

Matt Maher is Not Saved, Stop Singing His Music in Church

Modern Evangelicals are happily embracing a deceptive evil, and letting it creep into their churches. The evil is a counterfeit gospel, a counterfeit Christianity. The evil is the Roman Catholic Church, and it’s creeping in unawares, especially to young and...

SBC Prez Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

SBC Prez Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

The current Southern Baptist President, J.D. Greear, is proving himself to be unfit for the position he holds in America’s largest Protestant denomination. Over the last few years, the SBC has taken a sharp turn toward political as well as theological liberalism while...

A Call To Men: Lead In Discernment

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13 A man who does not protect his family is a worthless man. We know this instinctively. I am not speaking of men who are unfortunately disabled and therefore are hindered in their...

Southern Baptists Join With Nancy Pelosi to Defund the Wall

The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is a network of Christian groups with a globalist, open borders agenda that supports amnesty for illegal immigrants and opposes traditionally conservative political ideology. Nancy Pelosi and Russell Moore Russell Moore,...

Cultural Seduction and the Demise of the Southern Baptist Convention

Feminism, Marxism, Black Liberation Theology, LGBT rights. Cultural seduction has taken over the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), unquestionably–at least by any rationally thinking Bible-believing Christian. The SBC for many years was revered for its conservative...

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