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ERLC Race-Baiter, Kyle Howard, Claims White People Have a False God While Black People Have the True God

by | Feb 4, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Kyle James Howard is a close friend and ally of Russell Moore, the ERLC, and the Southern Baptist Convention. Howard has been pushing an anti-white racialist agenda since he made his debut on social media.

Howard has dedicated his life to perpetuating a false narrative about racism in the Church and in America. In fact, he even runs a business, referring to himself as a “Racial Trauma Counselor,” which instills in his patients that idea that white people are their enemy and sole the cause of whatever their current plight is.

Howard is a strong advocate for American slavery reparations, despite the fact that he claims to be a Christian and believes in biblical restoration. According to Howard and his ilk, white people should be making monetary payments to black people today, despite the fact that no link can be made between the actions of white people today and the current plight of the black community.

Now, Howard, a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary student, has painted all white people as false converts who don’t cling to the true God of Scripture, but instead hold to some form of moralistic therapeutic deism. The comment, made by Anthony Bradley, which he affirmed, asserts that black people cling to the real God in order to survive white people, while white people never needed him.

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This, of course, is hogwash. Not only is it racist to the core to paint all white people in this perspective, but it’s also a very similar idea to the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Now, let this sink in. This is coming from someone who sits and eats at the table with Southern Baptist entity head, Russell Moore, along with other popular Southern Baptists like Matt Chandler and Beth Moore, has been promoted relentlessly by these people, and is a student at a Southern Baptist Seminary under Al Mohler. This, right here, is what your cooperative dollars — your tithe money — is paying for.

Southern Baptists, is this what you want?

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