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Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy

Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy

Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call...

Good Riddance to the Notre Dame Cathedral

Good Riddance to the Notre Dame Cathedral

I know I know, this is going to make some people mad. But hear me out. Unless your head has been under a rock, you're aware by now of the fire that took down the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. If not, you can read up on it here. I've seen a lot of people upset...

Testimony: Finding Christ and Leaving the Masonic Lodge

Testimony: Finding Christ and Leaving the Masonic Lodge

The Masonic Lodge is a pseudo-religious cult that is clearly at odds with Biblical teachings on God, Christ, and salvation. Reformation Charlotte has issued calls for Freemasons who profess to be Christians to forsake the Masonic order and cling to what is true and...

Why is Jesus’ Skin Color an Issue All of a Sudden?

Why is Jesus’ Skin Color an Issue All of a Sudden?

For centuries since Christianity as a religion first came to boot and was immortalized by artists and painters from the world’s finest corners, there has never in the history of mankind been a debate over the color of Jesus Christ. For most of us, the color of skin...

Why Do So Many Worship Leaders Look So Gay?

Why Do So Many Worship Leaders Look So Gay?

This is a question that I've been pondering for a long time. When you look at the swaths of contemporary worship singers and leaders, you see a peculiar trait that transcends a vast majority of them—they look gay.Now, I'm not arguing that they are actually gay, as in...

Egalitarianism is the Theological Equivalent to HIV

Egalitarianism is the Theological Equivalent to HIV

This is a quote I saw from a friend on Twitter. Michael Foster tweeted this, I'm not sure if he came up with this on his own or heard it somewhere else -- I didn't ask -- but it struck a chord with me because it is, well, quite profound. When I saw this, it made me...

Democrats Want To Exempt Black Women From Ohio Abortion Ban

Democrats Want To Exempt Black Women From Ohio Abortion Ban

Last week, Ohio's Republican-controlled House passed one of the strictest bans on abortion in the nation which would outlaw all abortions after a heartbeat can be detected. While far from perfect -- life begins at conception and taking the life of unborn children in...

Christians Should Advocate For the Criminalization of Homosexuality

Christians Should Advocate For the Criminalization of Homosexuality

If we're honest, anyone can see that homosexuality has had a detrimental effect on society as a whole. The militant pro-homosexual campaign has advocated for the destruction of the family, an institution that has been a solid foundation for stability in societies...

Whiteness: Another RED Herring

Whiteness: Another RED Herring

Before I make my remarks regarding the issue of “whiteness” I want to remind you of God’s description of the human race to a person: There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God; All have turned aside, together...

Jory Micah: If God is a Man, Count Me Out

Jory Micah: If God is a Man, Count Me Out

Jory Micah might just be the blondest brunette I've ever seen or heard of in my entire life. A true nitwit, for sure. Amazingly, this feminist, God-hating anti-Christian troll calls herself a Christian and has a huge following. Actually, it's not that amazing. The...

Ekemini Uwan Needs to Go Home and Find a Husband

One of the biggest distractions from the gospel in the Church is women -- who think they're theologians -- running rampant in the Church telling the Church what they need to do. Beth Moore is one of them, but she's just the tip of the iceberg. Rebellious women...

The Two Sides of the Character of God: Love and Wrath

The Two Sides of the Character of God: Love and Wrath

People - those who are more ignorant of the Scriptures than they will admit - will often claim that there are contradictory images of God in the Bible, one of the loving God we see in Jesus, the other a wrathful God who, for example, told Israel to destroy the...

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