The question has been posed: can someone be saved while rejecting a literal interpretation of the creation account in Genesis? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as some may hope, and as much as I hate to use the word "nuance," there is some nuance...
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Tolerance, Passivity, Complacency: What is the Kindness of God that Leads to Repentance?
In many modern churches, the true essence of divine grace and mercy has been distorted and diluted, resulting in a skewed understanding of the transformative power of God's love. With their plush pews, rainbow-splattered banners, and messages of unconditional...
All For Gaia: Earth Day and Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World
By: Carl Teichrib “More than 6 million Canadians join 500 million people in over 180 countries in staging events and projects to address local environmental issues. Nearly every school child in Canada takes part in an Earth Day activity.” – Earth Day Canada[1] “Earth...
Evangelical Black Nationalist Blames White Supremacists For Islamic Attacks in Sri Lanka
Thabiti Anyabwile is a former Muslim whose given name is Ron Burns. He changed his name to identify with his new black nationalist identity before he converted (back) to Christianity. He never gave up his nationalist identity, however, and chose to keep his name....
Asian Writer for The Gospel Coalition Upset That Some Black People Are Too “White”
When all sanity is lost and a particular narrative is reduced to complete logical absurdity, what you end up with is a gaggle of robot-like mouthpieces who are programmed to proclaim only one thing. In this case, social justice activism. In a comical display of total...
Gay Pastor and Gay Christian Activist Spar Over Bodily Resurrection of Jesus
A gay man who calls himself a "pastor" and openly advocates for premarital sex and calling it "moral" and good" is now denying the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Okay, first, I'm floored that "gay pastor" is even a word used in today's modern vocabulary. I mean, who...
Bethel Church Affirms Roman Catholics as Believers Now “In the Arms of the Beloved Savior”
Bethel Church is a charismatic cult and one of their underlying principles is their demand to be accepted among orthodox Christian ranks and their demand for unity. Pretty much any group that names the name of Jesus, according to Bethel, is in the club. Over the...
Islamic Attacks in Sri Lanka Are Sad, But The Victims Were Not Christians
There is a lot of news about the recent attacks in Sri Lanka and many are rightly so saddened by the tragic events. These attacks were unwarranted and likely perpetrated by Islamic extremists on innocent people. Former president Barack Obama tweeted the following,...
Christian Missionary Butchered: India Has “No Plans” to Retrieve Body
Although we have collectively moved to the 21st century and our children begin their lives with smartphones in their hands and Facebook IDs to give them some sense of validation, the same does not go for all of us. While we might sit in the comfortable relaxation...
150 Pastors and Clergy Sign Joint Letter to Governor In Support of Abortion
In a world that appears to be imploding on itself in a never-ending inferno of human depravity, one bright spot you could always depend on was the Church of Jesus Christ. Called to be salt and light, the Church would stand as a glimmer of light offering the hope of...
Social Justice Warrior Turns the Resurrection Into a Race Issue
The Evangelical social justice movement is anti-social and anything but just. It is in fact the most subversively unjust theological movement the Church has ever seen. And the people behind it will stop at nothing to advance their ideology. Timothy Isaiah Cho is one...
Pray For Rachel Held Evans #PrayForRHE
I want to be as graceful and as tactful as I can in this post without compromising the truth. Rachel Held Evans, a popular progressive author and professing Christian is currently in the hospital experiencing what her husband said was "unexpected symptoms" after being...
Despite Rumored Threats of Career Risk, SBTS Professor Signs Social Justice Statement
Update: Al Mohler just fired Dr. Fuller and three other conservative professors at SBTS. You may remember the rumored threats from a few months ago that Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist...
Abortion Doctor Pulls Into Clinic and Yells “Rape Them and Send Them Here”
Ron Virmani is an abortionist at A Preferred Women's Health Center in Charlotte, NC -- the largest abortion provider in the Carolinas. Virmani was arrested for rape in 2014, but was never convicted and according to some sources, had his record expunged. Virmani was...
Rome’s Heresy & Gospel Clarity: Notes for Evangelizing Catholics
Pastor Churck O'Neal The following notes were the foundation of much of my preaching on the streets of Philadelphia when Pope Francis visited there. Hundreds of thousands of Roman Catholics perishing under antichrist, soul damning doctrine filled the streets of the...
Anti Christian Propaganda And How It Spreads Through Fake News
Fake news spreads ten times faster than the real news. Do you know fake news is searched more than 100,000 times a month!
The Masonic Roots of the Cult of the Latter Day Saints, Mormonism
Many people over the years have drawn connections between the beginnings of Mormonism and the long-established exclusive fraternity of the Freemasons. Though some of these similarities over the years have been more or less appealed it is good to know the origins of...
Antichrist Idolatry Burning Before Our Eyes: The Tragedy of Mourning the Destruction of a “Synagogue of Satan”
When popes die or abdicate their throne it is inevitably a test of orthodoxy. Evangelical leaders come out of the woodwork waxing eloquent in the public eye. It’s shocking who outs themselves as Gospel compromising, Reformation canceling, pope adoring apostates. With...
Christian Kids Must Slay Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, Not Pet Them!
Here’s a sobering fact the Church must come to grips with: Even children who are “churched” are woefully unprepared to “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3) This is a frontline issue, yet Church leaders and parents just...
SEBTS Suggests That White People Adopt Black Children Because They Have a “Savior Complex”
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), the home of Danny Akin, is woke. Danny Akin is woke. The entire Southern Baptist Convention is woke. But SEBTS is by far the wokest of the woke. They offer a degree in wokeness. SEBTS, through its "Kingdom Diversity"...
Megachurch Giving Away Car For Easter Sunday
Whenever you think you've seen everything you can possibly see in the carnival of church shenanigans, there is always something to outdo the last. Stupidity awaits. A pastor at a megachurch in Concord, NC announced that he will be giving away a free car on Easter...
Southern Baptists Seem to Have Forgotten What the Reformation Was About
Earlier this week, one of the most iconic symbols of Roman Catholic idolatry -- the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris -- was reduced to ashes right before our eyes. There was little to be done to stop it. As people stood in awe and disarray as nearly a thousand years of...