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Jim Bakker Claims Christians Will Be Murdered if Trump Not Re-Elected

Jim Bakker Claims Christians Will Be Murdered if Trump Not Re-Elected

Jim Bakker has a ton of survival food slop-buckets to sell at his Branson, Missouri headquarters. His retirement community and prepper compound is tax-exempt, and by offering non-perishable food as a "gift" in exchange for an offering to his "charitable religious...

Priceless: Mastercard to Let Trannies Use Pretend Names

Priceless: Mastercard to Let Trannies Use Pretend Names

Mastercard's slogan is Priceless: There are some things money can't buy, but for everything else, there's Mastercard. One of the things that money cannot buy is a new gender. No matter the number of surgeries, the extent of cross-dressing, or the name-changes, a man...

“Mexico’s Joel Osteen” Arrested for Child Sex Abuse

“Mexico’s Joel Osteen” Arrested for Child Sex Abuse

Naasón Joaquín García, right, the leader of fundamentalist Mexico-based church La Luz del Mundo, appears in Los Angeles County Superior Court Naason Joaquin Garcia was referred to by press outlets this week as "Mexico's Joel Osteen." Garcia is the 'apostle' of the...

Militarized Police Arrest Pastor for Protesting Drag Queen Story Time

Militarized Police Arrest Pastor for Protesting Drag Queen Story Time

An army of more than 40 police officers, many of them militarized with advanced weaponry, body armor, and tactical gear, gathered around the drag queen story hour in Spokane to "protect" the public facility from protestors. Before the day was over, they had arrested a...

You Do Not Have The Right To Watch Erotic Entertainment

You Do Not Have The Right To Watch Erotic Entertainment

"We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day." 1 Corinthians 10:8 Sexual urges are a powerful force. They are natural and even good in the right context and if directed to the proper channel. If it were...

The History and Problem with Marxist Socialism

The History and Problem with Marxist Socialism

No matter what’s happening around us, Socialism is almost always in the limelight. An idea that grew to prominence in the 19th century, courtesy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is presented as a solution for every problem there is in the world—and yet we know...

Mother Goddess Worshiped at Bethel Redding Sister Church

Mother Goddess Worshiped at Bethel Redding Sister Church

The unclean spirit behind the goddess of The Shack, the novel written by Paul Young, is still at work. It seems more than coincidental that Bethesda NW, a Bethel Redding sister church, uses Young’s hellish interpretation of El Shaddai; and just like in the novel, the Holy Spirit has also been feminized, addressed in the service as “Mama Ghost.”

Reformed Seminary Now Training Women in the Function of Elder

Reformed Seminary Now Training Women in the Function of Elder

Among the most notable controversies in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) currently is the role of women in ministry -- that is, besides all of it's other serious controversies such as homosexuality, social justice, etc. However, the SBC isn't the only...

Church Plant Meets for Beer in a Bar, Plans to Name it Pub Church

Church Plant Meets for Beer in a Bar, Plans to Name it Pub Church

This is not a fake news article. This church plant plans to meet in a bar on Thursday nights for "bible and beer." The Lutheran church is a blatant example of what the Bible describes is swaying to and fro by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). "We're going to...

“Pastor” Says Protesting Abortion is “Childish”

“Pastor” Says Protesting Abortion is “Childish”

The debate between those who don't believe in abortion and those who do is dichotomous -- at least it should be. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. And not only does God forbid the unjust taking of one's life -- so does federal law and laws of most civilized...

Study Finds LGBTQ People “Less Religious” Than Straight People

Study Finds LGBTQ People “Less Religious” Than Straight People

The headline sounds like something off a comedy television series. Really though, can someone just say "well duhhh." Did this really require a study? Homosexuals aren't religious because, well, they're homosexuals -- and God hates homosexuality. It's kind of simple....

David Platt Prays For Donald Trump, Woke Evangelicals Livid

David Platt Prays For Donald Trump, Woke Evangelicals Livid

You would think that the one place you could go to and expect prayer and supplication in the name of Jesus to be unfettered by those who name the name of Jesus would be a Bible-believing Christian church. In today's "woke" world -- especially the woke evangelical...

Jesus Christ, The Compassionate Son Of David

Jesus Christ, The Compassionate Son Of David

As he drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. And hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what this meant. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” And he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in...

Five Scriptures Where Paul Says Salvation Is Not By Works

Five Scriptures Where Paul Says Salvation Is Not By Works

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" - John 14:6 There are basically two religions in the world: religions that say men must both believe in God and do good works to be received into heaven and...

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