Treading carefully not to seem as though we revel in the death of another human being—we don't—we do feel as though enough time has passed to pour water on the fire surrounding the idolatry of a man who was ashamed of the gospel. Tim Keller was an influential pastor...
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Unless You Repent, You Will All Likewise Perish!
In the heart of the Gospel of Luke, we encounter a passage of Scripture that undeniably reaffirms the sovereignty of God, the sinfulness of humanity, and the inescapable need for repentance. Luke 13:1-5 presents an incisive discourse by Jesus Christ that...
Jesus Culture Worship Leader Runs For Congress
Jesus Culture is a worship band out of the controversial Bethel Church in Redding, California led by the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) "Apostle," Bill Johnson. Bethel Church is a cult and is known for its fake healings and parlor tricks along with...
Atheist Richard Dawkins Promotes Christian Anti-Social Justice Conference Then Deletes Tweet
Richard Dawkins is the world's foremost anti-Christian God-hating atheist apologist in the world. Dawkins is known for his debates against prominent Christians apologists like John Lennox. However, Dawkins has refused to debate Christians with stronger theology....
Antifa Harasses and Blocks Elderly Woman on Walker Trying to Cross the Street
Antifa -- short for anti-fascism -- is a loosely organized anti-white hate group that has one agenda, the destruction of Western society. The group is known for it's anti-Christian, anti-conservative, pro-sodomy rhetoric, violence, and assaults on innocent people....
Methodist Church Hosting a “National Coming Out” Service
The United Methodist Church is an apostate denomination that has been given over by God to their sinful desires and lusts. Earlier this year, the United Methodist Church (UMC) nearly split over a movement that would officially validate homosexuals and other sexually...
The Witness Contributor Says White People Protecting Their Homes is Rooted in Racism
Of all the asinine things that have come from the Evangelical "woke" movement which is rooted in unbiblical postmodern thought, one can only come to the conclusion that the endgame is complete chaos. The Evangelical woke movement is rooted in a Marxist line of thought...
“No Need to Repent of Homosexuality,” Says Prominent Christian Youth Organization
Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported that a well-known CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) leader, speaker, and author, Matt Mikalatos had been actively seeking to import Roman Catholicism and Native American mysticism into the Evangelical Church by inviting...
Evangelicalism’s Chief Race-Baiter, Kyle James Howard’s Narrative Proven False Again
The Evangelical Church is stacked from top to bottom with race-baiters. To name a few of the chief among them, Jemar Tisby, Thabiti Anyabwile, Ekemini Uwan, Beth Moore, and, of course, Russell Moore and Matt Chandler's friend, Kyle James Howard. Howard is a peculiar...
Reformed Apologists Expose CRU’s False Gospel and Unbiblical “4-Ways” Evangelism Techniques
CRU -- formerly Campus Crusade for Christ -- is a school campus ministry that tries to engage students in a seeker-friendly evangelistic outreach. CRU is known for its weak doctrine and watering down of the gospel message as well as it's embrace and inclusion of...
Southern Baptist Pastor Apologizes For Allowing a Homosexual to Preach on Stage
Gateway Church (not to be confused with Robert Morris' Gateway Church) is a Southern Baptist Affiliated church in Del Norte, Colorado pastored by Greg Shaffer. Shaffer recently apologized on stage for having a man named Justin Garoutte who gave a "coming out" story...
Southern Baptist Pastor Praises Book of Mormon, Says Central Theme is Jesus
The Mormon religion is not a Christian religion -- I really don't believe I have to explain to this audience why. If you need further information on that, I recommend CARM's excellent resources on Mormonism. But one Southern Baptist pastor says differently. Dr. Lynn...
Megachurch Interviews Lesbian Married Couple Wearing Jesus Culture T-Shirt, Affirms Their Lifestyle
Net Church is a megachurch outside of Chattanooga, TN pastored by hireling, Ryan May. May ran a number of interviews last Sunday including an interview of "married" lesbians, Heather and Ashley Perrystein who said they came two weeks after May preached a sermon on...
Instead of Complaining, Thank God For American Chattel Slavery
When we think of the American slave trade of the 18th and 19th centuries, we often gasp at what a horrifying and brutal time this was. Africans were traded on the open international market like manufactured goods -- machinery used to increase the production of the...
Campus Crusade Social Justice Agenda Exposed in New Video
CRU -- formerly Campus Crusade for Christ -- in recent weeks has been exposed as a political activist organization that has abandoned the gospel in favor of cultural Marxism, intersectionality, and LGBTQ activism. The message of the cross and the shed blood of Jesus...
Campus Crusade Leader Invites Roman Catholics and Mystics to Speak at Event
CRU -- formerly Campus Crusade for Christ -- has been exposed as a social justice political organization with the sole intention of turning young, Christian-minded students into progressive activists. Ranging from LGBTQ activism to Cultural Marxism and...
InterVarsity Introduces “Queer Bible Study” For LGBTQ “Christians” on University Campus
InterVarsity is a college campus ministry that touts itself as "a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty." InterVarsity is an interdenominational Evangelical fellowship designed for college students to...
Liberal “Pastors” Wash Illegal Immigrant’s Feet to Honor Their Difficult Journeys
A group of 22 pastors from the United Church of Christ (UCC) -- an apostate mainline Protestant denomination -- as a way to garner support for open borders and amnesty. The UCC declared itself an "immigrant-welcoming" church in 2017 and announced that the denomination...
Undercover Footage: Drag Queen Story Hour Exposed
Unless your head has been under a rock, you're aware of the sexual perversion known as Drag Queen Story Hour that has been sweeping the nation and indoctrinating young children into the LGBTQP lifestyle. The movement has grown tremendously over the last year and has...
Union Seminary Professor Explains Their Ritual of Plant Confession, Plays Confessions
I confess that so many trees have held me in their branches as they grew, but I have not held you in return. Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported on the absurd act confessing to plants by Union Seminary faculty, staff, and students which made its rounds through...
SBC’s LifeWay Hosting a Charismatic Tongue-Speaking Faith-Healing NAR Event
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a loosely banded coalition of false prophets and people who call themselves apostles who band together to promote a charismatic culture of experiential worship, speaking in tongues, prophecies, and healings. The movement has been...
SBC President Receives No Applause After Praying in Jesus’ Name on House Floor
Admittedly, it's unusual to report good news on the Southern Baptist President, JD Greear. Greear is steeped in the social justice movement, has largely embraced the pro-homosexual inclusion movement, and is favorable toward unbiblical notions such as female preachers...