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Atheist Richard Dawkins Promotes Christian Anti-Social Justice Conference Then Deletes Tweet

by | Sep 30, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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Richard Dawkins is the world’s foremost anti-Christian God-hating atheist apologist in the world. Dawkins is known for his debates against prominent Christians apologists like John Lennox. However, Dawkins has refused to debate Christians with stronger theology.

Dawkins, however, appears to be on the right side of the social justice debate as he recently published a tweet promoting a conservative Evangelical group who is leading the debate against the influx of Marxism.

The Conference, Speaking Truth to Social Justice, is being put on by Sovereign Nations. Sovereign Nations is an Evangelical think tank who is heavily involved in the war against social justice that is not only infiltrating society but our churches.

Sovereign Nations has interviewed other prominent atheists in an effort to expose the fact that the problem isn’t uniquely a Christian problem, but a problem plaguing all of society. While Sovereign Nations acknowledges that atheists, James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian, lack the complete picture as it comes to the problem of social justice — namely, the corruption of sinful man and the need for the grace of God — their insight and recognition of the problem shows that God’s general revelation is well-grasped by some, including non-Christians.

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What’s interesting, however, is that Dawkins, who is staunchly anti-Christian and has blamed many of society’s problems on Christianity and religion in general, has no problem promoting a Christian organization when it aligns with his personal beliefs — or does he?

My personal speculation is that Dawkins probably promoted the conference because he knew the particular atheists involved in it, but when he realized that it was a Christian conference, he deleted his tweet and withdrew his endorsement.

*Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of atheism, atheists, or their worldview. This is simply reporting on an observation.

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