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Methodist Church Hosting a “National Coming Out” Service

by | Sep 30, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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The United Methodist Church is an apostate denomination that has been given over by God to their sinful desires and lusts. Earlier this year, the United Methodist Church (UMC) nearly split over a movement that would officially validate homosexuals and other sexually aberrant individuals as clergy. In the United States, the support for gay inclusion was overwhelming, however, due to a number of more conservative sects in Africa, the UMC was unable to approve the measure from the top level.

However, in the United States, the United Methodist Church denomination still suffers from an overwhelming majority of unconverted, unregenerate apostates not only in the pews, but in pulpits. Instead of preaching and believing the gospel, Methodists preach and practice social justice, promote feminism, and affirm homosexuality.

Despite the failure to officially pass the measure allowing sodomites in the pulpits, Methodist churches around the United States nonetheless continue to ordain sexually-confused clergy and affirm laypeople. And to make matters worse, the United Methodist Church officially supports and affirms women’s “right” to abortion.

So it comes as no surprise that a UMC church is hosting a national “coming out” service for homosexuals, transgenders (if there were such a thing) and other sexual deviants to “come out of the closet” and freely express their sexual rebellion. The event, held at Hanscom Park United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, is pastored by a feminist named Chris Jorgensen.

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The event, according to the event page, can be summarized as being for the empowerment of sexually immoral people and the banding together of them so that they may deaden their consciences against the sin that they engage in and live and practice a rebellious lifestyle against God without guilt.

Coming out is important. To come out is scary. To come out is empowering. To come out is joyful. To come out is courageous. To come out is to say to anyone who is listening: “Here I am.” and “You are not alone. We are in this together.” So join Hanscom Park United Methodist Church as we celebrate National Coming Out Day. We will come out (again, because coming out is an ongoing process – not a one time event) as a congregation that fully supports and includes LGBTQ+ folks. And we will welcome Nicole Guthrie as our preacher. Nicole will share with us her thoughts about her journey; about how we can embrace and support the queer folks in our lives, in the church, and in the world; and about how embracing each other fully is a step toward Tikkun Olam – the repairing of the world. Join us for Nicole’s message, for prayer, for communion, and for music that moves us to greater depths of love for God, one another, and ourselves.

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