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Five Biblical Ways to Spot a False Prophet

Five Biblical Ways to Spot a False Prophet

In an age where confusion often masks the truth, believers must remain vigilant. Our spiritual home, the modern church, finds itself facing an unseen threat from within. False prophets have slipped quietly into our congregations, pretending to shepherd us in faith,...

On Muslims Coming to Christ in Dreams and the Heresy of Monophysitism

On Muslims Coming to Christ in Dreams and the Heresy of Monophysitism

Over the past several years, an intriguing phenomenon has captured the attention of many in Christian circles: Muslims across the Middle East purportedly experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus, leading to their conversion to Christianity. Prominent Evangelical...

Future Baptist “Pastor” Says Paul did Evangelism Wrong

Future Baptist “Pastor” Says Paul did Evangelism Wrong

When I watched this video, it completely dawned on me exactly what is wrong with the entire Evangelical Church. You can't walk into a Southern Baptist church today and find one that understands biblical evangelism. What we see here is the seeker-sensitive movement on...

The Evangelical Girl’s Club: How Feminism is Destroying the Church

The Evangelical Girl’s Club: How Feminism is Destroying the Church

Feminism has made deep inroads into the Evangelical Church. The movement seeks to undermine the biblical model for gender roles not just in the Church, but also in the home and society in general. Men and women were both created by God to fulfill a specific function...

BREAKING: Group that CHICK-FIL-A Funds Drove Woman to Abortion Clinic

BREAKING: Group that CHICK-FIL-A Funds Drove Woman to Abortion Clinic

SAVED MAG -- According to, Covenant House, the organization that CHICK-FIL-A now funds took a 17-year old to an abortion clinic for an abortion. According to this article, two Catholic pro-life sidewalk counselors saw a...

SEBTS Professor Doubles Down on Support For Gay Christian Conference

SEBTS Professor Doubles Down on Support For Gay Christian Conference

Following in the footsteps of the Southern Baptist Convention president, J.D. Greear — who calls on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights and says that homosexuality is morally equivalent to other sins such as boasting — Danny Akin recently hired...

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