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Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims

Abortion is Nothing More Than a Sexual Fetish, Women Are Not Victims

In the maelstrom of our continually metamorphosing society, a singular issue continually fuels the fires of contention, setting minds and hearts ablaze: the matter of abortion. This contentious topic cleaves society with an almost surgical precision, causing a chasm...

Leftists Already Blaming Herman Cain’s Death on Donald Trump

Leftists Already Blaming Herman Cain’s Death on Donald Trump

"Never let a good crisis go to waste," is the rallying cry of the radical left, which is now the all-encompassing sphere of leftists and Democrats around the United States. These militant progressives will stop at nothing to take advantage of a situation to advance...

Jemar Tisby and The Idolatry of Melanin

There is a real problem lurking behind the social justice/wokeness movement. The problem can be traced back in time and thousands of miles across the Atlantic. It is the problem of idolatry within the African mindset. It is a specific kind of idolatry. It is the...

Mark Dever vs. John MacArthur: 9Marks Misses the Mark

Mark Dever vs. John MacArthur: 9Marks Misses the Mark

Every article, podcast, sermon, and blog are written for a reason. The author is attempting to do something with that short moment in time that they have your attention. They are calling you to some sort of action even if that action is restricted to how you think....

Was J.I. Packer a Heretic? On His Sharp Turn in His Last Years

Was J.I. Packer a Heretic? On His Sharp Turn in His Last Years

Admittedly, I was never much of a J.I. Packer follower and haven't read much of his materials over the years. Many people in my circles, however, have and are avid defenders of him. In case you haven't heard, the famed author and theologian passed away Friday, July...

Annihilationism, Eternity, and the Consequences of Truth

In our day, there is a growing movement to deny that the Bible teaches an eternal judgment in Hell. Rather, these people say, the spirit of the wicked is destroyed. This doctrine, annihilationism, was formerly limited to the cults, namely the Seventh-Day...

Mother Sings and Dances “I’m Going to Have an Abortion and You Can’t Stop Me”

Mother Sings and Dances “I’m Going to Have an Abortion and You Can’t Stop Me”

In the video below, a woman visits Affiliated Medical Services, a death camp in Milwaukee, WI, to sacrifice her child on the altar of Molech. And she isn’t the least bit concerned about her choices. She has made a calculated decision to take her child to this place and have it slaughtered so she can continue to live her life of convenience.