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If Kamala Harris is Elected, Get Ready for More of This

If Kamala Harris is Elected, Get Ready for More of This

Welcome to the era of “gender seasonality,” where common sense, science, and basic biology are tossed out the window in favor of a new dogma, one that insists you can change your gender as easily as you change your shoes.For the uninitiated, "gender seasonality," the...

Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream

Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream

In a performance worthy of her self-anointed status as America’s spiritual guide, Oprah Winfrey took the stage at the DNC to deliver what can only be described as a sermon on the sanctity of abortion. With the gravitas of a high priestess delivering her divine...


Reconciling God’s Mercy With His Wrath

Reconciling God’s Mercy With His Wrath

People—those who are far more ignorant of the Scriptures than they care to admit—love to claim that the Bible presents two contradictory images of God. They point to the loving Jesus who embraced sinners and then to the wrathful God who commanded...

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

You’ve heard of deconstruction, it’s a term being tossed around increasingly frequently within Christian circles. But what exactly is deconstruction? It’s the trendy, intellectual-sounding label for what’s really just old-fashioned doubt dressed up in new clothes....


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