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Five Reasons Why Freemasonry and Christianity Cannot Co-Exist

Five Reasons Why Freemasonry and Christianity Cannot Co-Exist

Freemasonry is rampant in the Church, both in the Evangelical Church as well as other denominations. Freemasonry is a brotherhood — a secret society — of men who, as they claim, come together to work for the common good of humanity. In fact, Freemasons actually do a...

Boy Scouts Organization Inaugurates First All-Girls Troop

WASHINGTON TIMES – Washington, D.C., marked the end — and the beginning — of an era this weekend when the Boy Scouts of America established its first all-girl troops in the nation’s capital. Now known as Scouts BSA, the organization — which celebrates its 109th...

Church Turns Worship Service Into Superbowl Celebration

Crossroads Church of Lexington lead by Mark Stetcher held a Superbowl celebration this past Sunday morning in lieu of a reverent, God-honoring worship service. What does a biblical church do on Sunday mornings? The local church is a gathering of Christians who come...

Pope Francis Tells Muslims “Faith in God Unifies Us”

Pope Francis recently took a trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an Islamic State in the Middle East where renouncing your Islamic faith is illegal. In a video message to the UAE people, Francis expressed solidarity with them as a result of their “faith in God.”...


All Serial Killers Were Failed by Parents and Were Cruel to Animals!

All Serial Killers Were Failed by Parents and Were Cruel to Animals!

Robert K. Ressler, an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) behavioral sciences unit, studied serial killers and noted, “Murderers…very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids,” and he further observes, “… a fascination...


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