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Female Pastor Makes Death Threats to Local Newspaper at John Gray’s Church

by | Apr 10, 2019 | Blog, News | 0 comments

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Remember back when John Gray, dubbed the Lamborghini pastor, was outed for cheating on his wife and subsequently gifted her a $200 thousand Lamborghini? It was later found out that his church, Relentless Church near Greenville, SC bought him a 1.8 million dollar home.

He started making rounds in the media after he told his congregation to, instead of placing money in the offering basket, to “take whatever they need.” Gray, a former associate of Joel Osteen, was restored to ministry by non-Trinitarian heretic, T.D. Jakes after he laid hands on him and attributed Gray’s sin to demons.

In a recent video on The Charlotte Observer, you can see a female “pastor” — co-founder of San Jose’s Redemption Church — (that’s a whole different topic you can read about here) threatening the life of journalists at the Greenville News, stating,

I believe in you, I’m praying for you, I’m rooting for you. I cut people. I got a knife right in that pocketbook. Greenville News, come on!

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