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Five Marks of a False Teacher

Five Marks of a False Teacher

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith, hope, and love, all bound together by the Word of God. Yet, within this visible body, there lurks a danger that threatens the very fabric of our...

About That 1946 Film: A Damnable Theological Heresy

About That 1946 Film: A Damnable Theological Heresy

The film "1946" has ruffled more than a few feathers with its bold assertion that the term 'homosexuality' was erroneously introduced into the Bible only in the mid-20th century. This claim, while sensational, crumbles under the weight of historical, biblical, and...

Book Review: The Lust of the Flesh, by Dr. Jared Moore

Book Review: The Lust of the Flesh, by Dr. Jared Moore

In the contemporary evangelical landscape, a profound debate has emerged regarding the nature of sin, especially as it relates to sexuality. This debate centers on a significant shift in how many modern churches perceive and teach about aberrant sexual desires. A...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness

It's been a few weeks since I published an article in this series, Snares of the Modern Church. But I wanted to touch on something today that even the best of us are affected by. It's easy to get caught up in the language and reconstructionism of the day, especially...

What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

Have you ever slummed through a sermon by a preacher like Steven Furtick or Andy Stanley? Have you ever really just sat and listened to them preach. It's easy to be drawn in to the charismatic mood changing, emotionally-driven style of speech or worship. They quote...

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

“…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8)Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief: their fear in the storm on the Sea (1); Peter sinking as he...

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

"White guilt," you've heard of it. You've read it in the headlines. And you may know people who suffer from it. But what is it? Is it a mental disorder? Is it some other kind of ailment? Or is it sin? The term "white guilt" is far from innocuous—it is a calculated...

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

“Atheism” is no longer an alien, rarely heard-of term. It is, in fact, a phenomenon that continues to grow at exponential rates in the 21st century. And when such a state of irreligiousness and disbelief engulfs the world while a great number of major and minor...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VI: False Love

The pages of Scripture are permeated with a resplendent theme: the inestimable and unspeakable love of God. This love cascades through time and eternity, an everlasting torrent of grace and mercy. We are taught even as little children the profound simplicity of love,...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IV: Clericalism

Continuing our series on the snares confronting the modern church, we now delve into the subtle yet pernicious snare of clericalism. This term, perhaps unfamiliar to some, captures a dynamic that, unfortunately, is far too familiar within the walls of many...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness

Snares of the Modern Church, Part III: Consumer Christianity

As we continue our exploration of the snares of the modern church, a challenging, yet important, topic comes to the fore: Consumer Christianity. This term, while perhaps unfamiliar to some, paints a vivid picture of a troubling trend. It points to the conversion of...