The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is the public policy branch of the Southern Baptist Convention that Southern Baptists pay to research and engage with public policy in the public square. Other than the usual nitpicking about race issues, it appears that very little of the rogue entity’s budget is actually being spent on what the entity is actually supposed to be doing.
In fact, so little that it really doesn’t even deserve a line-item on its budget report. So little that the only reason they put it on the budget report is to make it look like there is actually a line-item for it.
The total budget, according to the report for the ERLC in 2018/2019 was $4,338,585 of which $2,667,977 went to salaries. $325,725 went to staff travel expenses. That’s a combined 69 percent of the budget. In comparison, only $30,375 was spent on actual public policy and research — less than 0.7 percent.

In the meantime, Southern Baptists are pouring millions of dollars into an organization to pay the salaries of men that are doing absolutely nothing for them except fighting petty racial wars and inciting division, throwing MLK events, platforming gay Anglicans, advocating for open borders, working in unison with globalist billionaires like George Soros, and mocking people who disagree with them. And now it’s time for regime change at the ERLC — how much more are you going to waste?
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