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Prominent Baptist University Hosts Openly Gay LGBTQ Activist

Prominent Baptist University Hosts Openly Gay LGBTQ Activist

Baylor, a private Christian university located in Waco, Texas, is known as the largest Baptist university in the world with approximately 17,200 students on its 1,000-acre campus and is affiliated with the Texas Baptist Convention, which is subsequently connected to...

“Gay Christianity” Movement Invades Mennonite Churches

“Gay Christianity” Movement Invades Mennonite Churches

Posture Shift is a "gay Christianity" Conference held by a ministry called Lead Them Home that seeks to change how the church views homosexuality and pushes for full inclusivity of gays, lesbians, and other sexually-confused individuals such as "transgenders." Many of...

Covington High School Kid to Sue Five More News Outlets

The Covington High School kid who was slandered and maligned on social media and mainstream news outlets settled with CNN in January while lawsuits against NBC Universal and the Washington Post are still pending. According to a report filed with the District Court in...

Abortions for Cleft Lip Increasing at Dramatic Rates

Abortions for Cleft Lip Increasing at Dramatic Rates

The number of abortions performed on unborn babies with cleft lip and palate has increased 150% since 2011, in England & Wales. The new figures, released in response to a parliamentary question by pro-life MP Fiona Bruce, revealed that there were 10...


Heresy of the Day #17: Docetism

Heresy of the Day #17: Docetism

Heresy: Docetism Docetism is a Christian heresy that originated in the early centuries of the religion. It is based on the belief that Jesus Christ was not fully human, but rather a divine being who only appeared to be human. According to docetism, Jesus' physical...


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