I've written a number of articles on Bethel Church and its various associated artists under the Bethel Collective...
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Results for "vallotton"
Bethel Minister Leads Congregation in Creepy Prayer to Their Bodies for Forgiveness
Dawna DeSilva is an ordained "pastor" at Bethel and co-founder of the ministry under the Bethel umbrella called Bethel...
Bethel Prophetess Says Jesus Walked Into Her Room With A Ring and Asked Her to Marry Him
Frankly, Bethel Church in Redding California is no church at all. It is a blasphemous, idolatrous organization run by...
Despite Rampant Sickness, Disease, and Death, Bethel Church Continues to Promote “Miraculous Healings”
Please understand that this is not intended to make light of the current and past situations affecting individual...
Bethel Pastor Says He Came to Faith Before Ever Hearing the Gospel
Bethel Church is full of crazy kooks. If it isn’t senior pastor, Bill Johnson and his false prophecies, fake healings,...
The Activist Mommy, Elizabeth Johnston, Goes Full NAR With False Prophets, Todd White and Lou Engle
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a spiritual cult whose roots can be traced back to the New Order of the Latter...
Surprise! Popular Christian Worship Band Comes Out in Support of Transgenderism
It seems like every day another celebrity pastor, another popular worship artist caught up in the snare of fame and...
Bethel Church Affirms False Baptisms in Children
Reformation Charlotte has repeatedly reported on the false teachings and ill workings of Bethel Church in...
Bethel Pastor Claims God Miraculously Restored Virginity to Thousands of Girls
Reformation Charlotte has written extensively on the evils of Bethel Church and the charismatic false prophecy...
Bethel Pastor Says God Doesn’t Know the Exact Future
We recently reported on an "ordained" "pastor" at Bethel Church who was ordained by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton...
Heresy of the Day #8: Montanism
Heresy: Montanism Montanism is a heresy that was denounced by the 2nd-century Church after its founder, Montanus,...
Bethel Church Pastor Makes Creepy Jokes About His Grandson’s Wife
Kris Vallotton, the second in command at Bethel Church in Redding California, is part of the New Apostolic Reformation...
False Teacher of the Day #2: Lisa Bevere
Lisa Bevere and her husband, John, operate a ministry called Messenger International. The ministry exists, according...
Wayne Grudem, Mark Driscoll, Michael Brown Sign Joint Statement Affirming False Prophets
In a recent statement by the charismatic sub-Christian sect of professing Christendom titled the Prophetic Standards...
List of False Prophets Who Prophesied Trump Would Win 2020 Election Keeps Growing
As you are probably aware by now, like it or not, fraud or no fraud, legitimate or illegitimate, Joe Biden has been...
Lauren “I Don’t Know if Homosexuality is a Sin” Daigle Dominates Christian Music Charts in 2019
When the world is what you act like, then the world is what you will get. You may remember from about this time last...
Michael Brown Says a Witch “Sincerely Desires” to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians
Michael Brown is the world’s premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that...
Five Days After Toddler Death, Bethel Still Performing Witch’s Seance to Raise Her From Dead
The cult that is known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA has been on a non-stop mission since one of the worship leaders...
Toddler Death at Bethel Redding Reveals Sickness of the Charismatic Movement
Bethel Church in Redding, CA is pastored by Bill Johnson who claims to be an Apostle — that is, he claims...
Village Church Pastor Says if Paul Were Here Today, He’d Write a Letter Endorsing Beth Moore
It has to be exhausting -- not to mention a monumental undertaking -- to continually elevate, apologize for, and...

Statement Signed by 100 Communist Clergy Demand J6 Prisoners Rot While Illegal Aliens Stay
A group of progressive clergy and rainbow-splattered religious activists have hijacked the already unbiblical celebration of “Lent” to push a blatantly leftist political agenda, a thinly veiled leftist activist manifesto framed as a "return to Jesus." The document,...

Woke-vangelical Establishment Silent as Thousands of Christians Slaughtered by Islamic Militants
I’ve been watching a story unfold that should be front-page news worldwide but has instead been met with a deafening silence. In Syria's coastal region, over 1,000 people, including hundreds of Christians, were brutally massacred in just 48 hours by Al Qaeda-linked...

ERLC Fellow Publishes Apologetic for Drag Queen Story Hour in New Book Against Christian Nationalism
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the Southern Baptist Convention’s long-decayed organ of political engagement, has spent the last decade or more morphing itself into a fetid hotbed of the woke mind virus defending progressive ideology. This...

Reasons Why You Should Not Observe Lent
Every year, like clockwork, Ash Wednesday rolls around and kicks off the Roman Catholic tradition of Lent—a six-week-long spectacle of public piety where everyone puts on their best "mourning over sin" performance. And, of course, it’s not just the Catholics anymore....
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