Mike Bickle, founder and CEO of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC) has been accused of serious...
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Results for "bickle"
False Teacher of the Day #38: Mike Bickle
Mike Bickle is the founder of the International House of Prayer based in Kansas City (IHOPKC). Bickle is very popular...
Francis Chan Compares Mike Bickle to Jesus, Betraying Him is Like Peter Betraying Jesus
You probably know by now that the once semi-sound, semi-Reformed graduate of Master's Seminary has completely...
Francis Chan Says Mike Bickle is a “Godly Godly Man,” Office Full of MacArthur Commentaries
Earlier today, Reformation Charlotte reported that Francis Chan said Benny Hinn had repented right in front of him and...
John Piper Gives Glowing Endorsement to IHOPKC Heretic, Mike Bickle, Says Francis Chan
If you don't know who Mike Bickle is, he's the founder of the charismatic organization known as International House of...
Is Ronnie Floyd Trying to Unite the SBC with Mike Bickle’s IHOPKC?
As recently posted, Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, will be speaking at an IHOP event in Kansas City in...
IHOPKC Winding Down, Coming to a Close, According to Leaked Recording of IHOP University President
Despite what Mike Bickle claims, IHOPKC was never a move of God or a work of the Holy Spirit, rather, it was a...
Southern Baptist Pastor Makes Epic False Prophecy About Women Pastors in the SBC
You may remember a few months ago as we reported on the saga of the supposed "outpouring of the Holy Spirit" at Asbury...
Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy...
Francis Chan to Host Ecumenical “Collegiate Day of Prayer” at Asbury University Tonight
*Update* - Despite The Collegiate Day of Prayer's official YouTube channel and promo video stating the opposite,...
Former 2nd Vice President of SBC Says Catholics are Being Set on Fire by Holy Spirit at Asbury
Over the years, we've maintained at this publication that the Roman Catholic Church harbors a false gospel that has...
Rick Warren, Francis Chan, and the Kansas City False Prophets to Join Asbury “Revival”
If the Asbury revival we've been covering wasn't a false movement before, there is no doubt that it's fixing to be as...
David Platt Joins Notorious Heretic, Todd White, and Azusa Now Leaders for Conference in 2022
Earlier this month, Reformation Charlotte reported that David Platt, pastor of the once-thriving-but-now-failing...
Francis Chan Says Catholic Understanding of Gospel is Very Similiar, If Not the Same, as His
In the third installment of our report on Francis Chan's diatribe against the Scriptures and sound doctrine for the...
Francis Chan Now Says That He Speaks in Tongues
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s...
Francis Chan Says That Being Indwelt by the Holy Spirit Makes Us ‘God and Man all at Once’ Like Jesus
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s...
Southern Baptists Abandoning Social Justice Heresy For Heresy of Dominionism
For the last several years, the social justice movement has swept the Southern Baptist Convention and it's tentacles...
Breaking: Pastors’ Conference President Told to Change Speaker Line-Up or No Conference at All
Reformation Charlotte has been uncovering the debacle surrounding this year’s Southern Baptist Convention annual...
Francis Chan Rejects Protestant View of Communion, Embraces Catholic Transubstantiation
Francis Chan has been on a downward spiral for a long time. Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s...
Popular NAR Cultist, Reinhard Bonnke Dies at 79 Years Old
A popular traveling evangelist and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) cultist has died at 79 years old. Reinhard Bonnke...
Lesbian Firefighter Victim Blames Men Who She Isn’t Strong Enough to Rescue
In a time of crisis, when Los Angeles is being ravaged by relentless wildfires, the people of this region need to hear one thing from their fire department: reassurance. Reassurance that the people sworn to protect them—not to mention, paid by them—are the most...
Preston Sprinkle Claims 90 Percent of Illegal Immigrants are Committed Christians
Preston Sprinkle, a name that has become synonymous with theological compromise and unbiblical sexual ethics, has built his career catering to and supporting a baptized version of queer theory that is infiltrating evangelicalism. As the founder of the Center for...
Moody Pastor Says Mary “Gave Her Consent” to Conceive Jesus
Philip Miller, the current pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, succeeded the long-tenured Erwin Lutzer, is bringing his own pastoral approach to the historic pulpit by weaving contemporary social themes into his preaching. Before Christmas, Miller preached a sermon out...
Man in a Dress Struts Down Red Carpet at Golden Globes
Stop the world, I want to get off! If you needed one more nail in the coffin of Western civilization’s utter moral bankruptcy, look no further than the Golden Globes, where Jonathan Van Ness, a “Queer Eye” male star strutted down the red carpet in a gown that would...
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