Just when you thought that the charismatic underworld of Bethel Church couldn't get any crazier, there is always...
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Results for "bethel cult"
Tim Keller, Lecrae Team Up With Bethel Redding and Francis Chan For Social Justice Church Conference
It's one thing when the social justice warriors exert their own efforts to lead the Church into embracing a social...
After Closing Healing Rooms Amid Coronavirus, Bethel Church Opens Online Healing Rooms
One would think that a church that believes it has the power to supernaturally heal at will any disease or ailment...
Female Bethel Church Pastor Declares Coronavirus “Conquered in Jesus’ Name”
What these frauds don't seem to understand is that diseases like the coronavirus are not "demons" that need to be...
Kari Jobe Sells Her Soul to the Devil, Drops New Album With Elevation Church and Bethel’s Cody Carnes
It's not news that Kari Jobe has been dabbling with heterodoxy for quite some time. Jobe, a highly popular worship...
Pastor Who Said He No Longer Allows Hillsong at His Church Explains How You Can Talk to Your Pastor About Hillsong and Bethel
Earlier this month, Reformation Charlotte published an article that featured a pastor who preached a sermon on why he...
Bethel Church Preaches Entire Sermon About Kobe Bryant Saying Saying it Will Be More Helpful Than Scripture
Eric Johnson of Bethel Church preached a sermon this past weekend on Kobe Bryant declaring that they would not...
Pastor Explains Why After Researching, He No Longer Allows Hillsong, Bethel, or Elevation Music in His Church
Reformation Charlotte has been exposing the corruption in the charismatic music industry for years. In several...
Watch Bethel Church Students Violently Shake While Attributing These Blasphemous Acts to the Holy Spirit
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is the training extension of the cult known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA. If...
Bethel Pastor Bows at the Feet of Roman Catholic Priest, Praises God for Their Idolatry
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is the training extension of the cult known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA. If...
Five Days After Toddler Death, Bethel Still Performing Witch’s Seance to Raise Her From Dead
The cult that is known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA has been on a non-stop mission since one of the worship leaders...
Toddler Death at Bethel Redding Reveals Sickness of the Charismatic Movement
Bethel Church in Redding, CA is pastored by Bill Johnson who claims to be an Apostle — that is, he claims...
Bethel Church Denies Scripture, Says “Core Belief” of Christianity is that “People are Good”
One of the most fundamental principles of biblical Christianity is that men are fallen -- not good -- and need a...
Bethel’s NAR Apostle Blasts John MacArthur, Comes to Beth Moore’s Defense
If nothing else I've written validates John MacArthur's criticism of Beth Moore, this should. Bethel Church is the...
Jesus Culture Worship Leader Runs For Congress
Jesus Culture is a worship band out of the controversial Bethel Church in Redding, California led by the charismatic...
Megachurch Interviews Lesbian Married Couple Wearing Jesus Culture T-Shirt, Affirms Their Lifestyle
Net Church is a megachurch outside of Chattanooga, TN pastored by hireling, Ryan May. May ran a number of interviews...
Bethel Church Embraces and Affirms “Gay Christianity”
Bethel has been under fire for the last few days by gay advocacy groups for advertising a program in their church...
Mother Goddess Worshiped at Bethel Redding Sister Church
The unclean spirit behind the goddess of The Shack, the novel written by Paul Young, is still at work. It seems more than coincidental that Bethesda NW, a Bethel Redding sister church, uses Young’s hellish interpretation of El Shaddai; and just like in the novel, the Holy Spirit has also been feminized, addressed in the service as “Mama Ghost.”
Should Christians Listen to Bethel Music? Hear What Al Mohler Says About It.
It's been a recurring question that gets asked repeatedly in Evangelical circles; should we listen to music that has...
Bethel Church Affirms Roman Catholics as Believers Now “In the Arms of the Beloved Savior”
Bethel Church is a charismatic cult and one of their underlying principles is their demand to be accepted among...

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating
Paula White is trash. There, I said it. She's a false teacher, a peddler of snake oil, a carnival barker draped in pseudo-Christian robes, hawking a gospel of greed with all the theological depth of a used car salesman promising that a lemon will last forever. She is...

Why Are Young Christian Men More Drawn to JD Vance Than The Gospel Coalition?
If we’ve seen nothing in the last decade or so, we’ve seen a massive influx of cultural decline and gender confusion. In the midst of this, soon-to-be Vice President JD Vance strides onto the battlefield like a general rallying his troops. Speaking at CPAC, he didn’t...

Wheaton College Hosts Revoice Speaker Who Calls Marriage an Idol and Says “Gay Celibacy” is Superior
Wheaton College, a school that was once known for its firm stance on biblical orthodoxy, now serves as an all-you-can-eat buffet for theological drift. The latest spectacle? David Bennett, a Revoice speaker, prancing onto the stage in an exaggerated, overtly feminine...

The Modern-Day Nicodemite Evangelicals
Jessica Bates was a mother of five, a woman who knew what it meant to love, to sacrifice, to open her home to those in need. She wasn’t asking for much—just the chance to take in a child from Oregon’s foster care system, a system that, incidentally, never seems to...
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