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Tim Keller, Lecrae Team Up With Bethel Redding and Francis Chan For Social Justice Church Conference

by | Apr 8, 2020 | heresy, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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It’s one thing when the social justice warriors exert their own efforts to lead the Church into embracing a social justice movement that is practically devoid of the gospel altogether — which is basically the full scope and purpose of The Gospel Coalition. But it’s another thing when that movement teams up with blatant charismatic blasphemers of the Holy Spirit to advance that cause.

The Gospel Coalition was founded by Tim Keller and his cohort, D.A. Carson for the purpose of exploiting conservative Christians to embrace a social gospel that moves the Church to the political left. Now, Tim Keller, along with social-gospel rapper, Lecrae Moore, are teaming up with charismatic blasphemers, Bill Johnson of Bethel Redding and Francis “I healed everyone I touched” Chan for Q Ideas — a “cultural awareness” (read social justice) conference.

Other speakers at the conference include Anne “I fly to Paris to make love to God” Voskamp, daughter of Pelagian heretic Tony Evans, Priscilla Shirer, and others.

According to the website, “Each participant hears every presentation and is exposed to numerous ideas from unexpected points of view that sharpen their understanding, deepen their cultural awareness, and motivate their action.”

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This quite frankly should remind us all of the time that SBC president, JD Greear along with Albert Mohler and others joined up with “gay Christians” like Matthew Vines to denounce nouthetic Christian counseling for people experiencing unwanted same-sex attraction.

What do Christians have to glean from blasphemers? What are believers going to learn from those who hate God? What agreement does God have with idols? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial?

I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked. — Psalm 26:5

Why do many Evangelicals still take people like Tim Keller seriously? That’s the real question. This kind of stuff does not help the Church.

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