Bethel School of Prophets is run by Bethel Church in Redding California under the leadership of its two named...
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Results for "bethel cult"
Bethel’s Foremost “Healing” Guru Says He’s Suffering From an Ailment He Wouldn’t Wish on Anyone
Please understand that this is not intended to make light of the current and past situations affecting individual...
Bethel’s Cory Asbury Explains Why He Think’s It’s Okay to Paint His Fingernails Like a Girl
I’ve written a number of articles on Bethel Church and its various associated artists under the Bethel Collective...
Bethel Pastor’s Wife, Beni Johnson, Dies of Cancer
I want to preface this article with the disclaimer that this is in no way intended to be spiteful or distasteful nor...
Bethel Church Selling a “Declaration Clicker” to Tabulate Your “Declarations” and “Increase Your Faith”
If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware that they're known for their gimmicks such as...
Bethel Pastor Shares Ridiculous Testimony of Waitress Being “Activated” For Guessing What Customers Wanted
Bethel Church in Redding, California, is pastored and co-pastored by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, respectively,...
Champion: Another Blasphemous, Self-Idolatrous Song by Bethel Music
The Dissenter (formerly Reformation Charlotte) has covered quite a few of Bethel's songs over the years, pointing you...
Bethel Music is a Stumbling Block to Biblical Worship in Spirit and in Truth
If you've followed us at The Dissenter (formerly Reformation Charlotte) at all, you know we've covered the...
Bethel’s Cory Asbury is a False Teacher and Should Be Avoided at All Costs
I've written a number of articles on Bethel Church and its various associated artists under the Bethel Collective...
Bethel Minister Leads Congregation in Creepy Prayer to Their Bodies for Forgiveness
Dawna DeSilva is an ordained "pastor" at Bethel and co-founder of the ministry under the Bethel umbrella called Bethel...
Despite Rampant Sickness, Disease, and Death, Bethel Church Continues to Promote “Miraculous Healings”
Please understand that this is not intended to make light of the current and past situations affecting individual...
Bethel Pastor Says He Came to Faith Before Ever Hearing the Gospel
Bethel Church is full of crazy kooks. If it isn’t senior pastor, Bill Johnson and his false prophecies, fake healings,...
Bethel Church Affirms False Baptisms in Children
Reformation Charlotte has repeatedly reported on the false teachings and ill workings of Bethel Church in...
Bethel Pastor’s Wife Faces Death as Charismatic Faith-Healings Unable to Heal Her Advanced Cancer
I want to preface this article with the disclaimer that this is in no way intended to be spiteful or distasteful nor...
Bethel Church Preaches “Tunnel of Youth” Heresy That You Can Reverse Your Age
If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware they practice such things as grave sucking (or grave...
Bethel Pastor Claims God Miraculously Restored Virginity to Thousands of Girls
Reformation Charlotte has written extensively on the evils of Bethel Church and the charismatic false prophecy...
Bethel Music – Deceptive, Demonic, Unfruitful Works of Darkness
If you've followed The Dissenter at all, you know we've covered the contemporary Christian music movement and have...
Bethel Pastor Quotes Charles Spurgeon to Try to Excuse False Prophecy
False prophets are sneaky--apparently, they all have a dose of the "sneaky squid spirit." They desperately want to be...
Bethel Church Pastor Makes Creepy Jokes About His Grandson’s Wife
Kris Vallotton, the second in command at Bethel Church in Redding California, is part of the New Apostolic Reformation...
Bethel Church “Pastor” Says Angels Sit Around the Throne of God Having “Farting Contests”
Jenn Johnson, who, along with her husband, Brian, is one of the senior worship pastors at the infamously blasphemous...

SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor
Once upon a time, Southern Baptists knew what a pastor was. Not that it was ever complicated. The Bible, clear as a bell, lays it out—a pastor is a man, called by God, qualified by Scripture, and entrusted with the shepherding of the flock. And for a while, the SBC...

Atlanta Pastor Calls Blacks Who Support Trump “Coons” and “Runaway Slaves”
You may remember Jamal Bryant, a master manipulator who cloaks his racial demagoguery in the theatrics of a charismatic preacher. I’ve written about him before. From comparing Kamala Harris to Esther to proposing marijuana farms on church property, Bryant has never...

SBC Pastor Compares Following Mask Mandates to “Picking Up Your Cross”
JT Inglish, lead pastor of Storyline Church in Arvada, Colorado, has been appointed to serve on the SBC’s Committee on Committees for the 2025 annual meeting. This influential position helps shape the future leadership of the denomination, making it all the more...

The Cancer of Effeminate Worship in the Modern Church
The lights dim. A soft purple haze spreads across the stage, a carefully manufactured mist rising from hidden fog machines like some mystical veil between heaven and earth. The lead singer, a guy with the vocal timbre of a teenage boy penning poetry in his journal,...
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