A transforming Christ-meets-mecha toy? Yes, the “Jesus Mecha Christ” transforming toy actually exists. It's like someone sat down and said, “How can I mock both God and basic decency in one fell swoop?” This isn’t art or satire—it’s an abomination born from the unholy...
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Latest News
Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger
Previously, I wrote an article calling for discernment while scrutinizing the lyrics of the popular Christmas song, Mary Did You Know? I knew it would be a provocative piece, as it was meant to be. However, my intent was not to dissuade you from enjoying these tunes,...
Christmas Song Review: Yes, Mary Did Know
The Christmas season has a way of draping everything in nostalgia. Familiar carols, the warm glow of lights, and the cozy rituals of family traditions tend to stir something deep within us. But more often than not, I hear a song that makes me stop and think—sometimes...
This Christmas, Let the Dead Bury the Dead. We Have a Risen Savior to Worship
The birth of Christ is, without question, the most significant event in human history—a moment that split time itself into “before” and “after.” And yet, every year, we watch the world reduce it to a garish spectacle of consumerism. The celebration of Christ’s...
Don’t Lose Sight of the Gospel in the Incarnation of Christ
Christmas is upon us again—the season of twinkling lights, cheerful songs, endless shopping, and, yes, Santa with his elves performing acrobatics on our bookshelves. The world, predictably, is consumed with the “season” itself, offering little more than cheap...
Liberal Feminists Protest Trump Administration by Sterilizing Themselves
Imagine living in a world so consumed by political hysteria that some women are now permanently sterilizing themselves because of an election outcome. In response to Donald Trump’s presidency—or the mere fear of what they believe it represents—certain self-proclaimed...
Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry
Public schools are quickly becoming Satanic temples. Don’t believe me? Look at Edgewood Elementary in Marysville, Ohio, where they’ve rolled out the red carpet for The Satanic Temple’s new “Hellion Academy of Independent Learning.” An actual program named HAIL is now...
False Teacher of the Day #59: Matthew L Stevenson III
Matthew Stevenson, the self-appointed prophet and spiritual guru of the All Nations Worship Assembly empire, is not just a false teacher—he is a charlatan of the highest order. With a ministry built on emotional manipulation, pseudo-theological ramblings, and a...
America’s Embrace of Assisted Suicide is National Suicide
Many people here in America have heard of assisted suicide and believe that it is something that doesn’t really happen here. It’s the kind of thing you imagine in some dystopian novel or a distant land where human life is treated like a commodity, bartered away in the...
Breaking Down Andy Stanley’s Latest Heresy
In Andy Stanley’s latest sermon, he makes several claims that are either outright heretical or lead to heresy when taken to its logical conclusion. I would like to break these claims down and address them point by point. "When the New Testament authors began writing,...
Listen to This Trash, Blasphemous Creed to “Non-Binary” “Jesus”
Listen to this trash from these hellbound heathens pretending to be a church—a “non-binary God” with plural pronouns, as if the One who thundered from Sinai is now taking cues from Twitter pronoun bios. They repeat this “creed” to their “non-binary” “Jesus.”I believe...
Five Signs a Church is Going Woke
The creeping plague of wokeness has infiltrated many churches like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It doesn’t always announce itself with a flashing neon sign but seeps in, subtly reframing priorities, redefining terms, and reinterpreting Scripture. What typically begins...
Are Elon Musk’s SpaceX Ambitions a Modern Repeat of the Tower of Babel?
As the preacher tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9: "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." Imagine a world filled with people, daring and brash, piling brick upon brick, mortar upon mortar,...
Reconciling God’s Mercy With His Wrath
People—those who are far more ignorant of the Scriptures than they care to admit—love to claim that the Bible presents two contradictory images of God. They point to the loving Jesus who embraced sinners and then to the wrathful God who commanded...
False Teacher, Tony Campolo, Hears Dreaded Words: “Depart From Me…”
Tony Campolo has breathed his last. On November 19, 2024, at the age of 89, the man who spent decades bending the gospel to the will of culture passed into eternity—an eternity that his teachings betrayed. On that day, Campolo heard those dreaded words from the Lord,...
Bombshell Study Confirms That Nearly 74 Percent of Post-Vaccine Deaths Were Directly Caused by Vaccine
It’s been a while since I’ve written about “the vaccine,” but this is surprising news, relevant to us all. Especially in light of the article I recently published about the media hiding the truth from us. But a bombshell study has emerged, and it confirms what many...
Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy
You’ve heard of deconstruction, it’s a term being tossed around increasingly frequently within Christian circles. But what exactly is deconstruction? It’s the trendy, intellectual-sounding label for what’s really just old-fashioned doubt dressed up in new clothes....
Union Seminary Performs Last Supper in Drag, Mocks Communion, and Mocks Christ
Union Theological Seminary held a "Drag Communion" event in their chapel, featuring drag performers presiding over the Lord’s Table while attendees were invited to dress in drag or any other “fabulous” way they saw fit.The event promised to explore the “queerness” of...
FEMA Director Compared Trump Signs to Vicious Dogs to Justify Skipping Homes. Are Bibles Next?
As if we needed another reminder of how far the left is willing to go to punish their ideological opponents, the news out of Florida is yet another ugly revelation. FEMA, the federal agency supposedly tasked with providing life-saving disaster relief, has been exposed...
Russell Moore Compares Trump Voters to Porn Addicts Seeking Physical Gratification
For the better part of a decade, Russell Moore has performed like a self-important opera queen—a four-hundred-pound monster teetering on sequined heels, a glittering spectacle of vanity, belting out overwrought laments to an audience no one can see. His hand-wringing,...
Christian Nationalist Leader Calls on Ron DeSantis to Appoint SBC Pastor to Replace Rubio
Oklahoma pastor and state senator Dusty Deevers is calling on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to appoint Southern Baptist pastor Tom Ascol to replace Senator Marco Rubio, who is expected to leave his seat to serve as Secretary of State in the Trump administration.In a...
Major UK Retail Chain Pulls Blasphemous Merchandise After Backlash
Debenhams, sort of a UK version of JC Penney, has chosen this Christmas season to unveil a revolting new way to insult Christians. The controversy centers on a line of so-called "festive" merchandise emblazoned with the phrase "A Gay in a Manger." Among the worst...
America’s Largest False Church to Expand Empire Into Hillsong Territory, Sydney, Australia
Bethel Church in Redding, California, pastored by Bill Johnson and co-pastored by Kris Vallotton—men who arrogantly believe themselves to be “prophets” and “Apostles”—has earned its reputation as a factory of spiritual fraudulence. This is the same Bethel that gave us...
How the Steven Lawson Scandal is Good for the Church
Steven J. Lawson, a name synonymous with doctrinal precision, rock-solid Reformed theology, and more respect in the conference circuit than most people can imagine, has fallen. The man many considered an indomitable force of gospel preaching has become the latest...
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Anglican Archbishop Says Homosexual Sex is Fine in a “Committed Relationship”
Justin Welby—Britain’s highest-ranking Church of England figure, yet increasingly more politician than pastor—demonstrates once again just how apostate the denomination is. When asked about “gay sex,” Welby says, essentially, as long as it’s within a “committed...
Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Publishes Op-Ed Endorsing Kamala Harris as a Christ-like Figure
In an op-ed published by Newsweek, aptly titled “I'm Billy Graham's Granddaughter and I'm Voting for Kamala Harris,” Jerushah Duford, granddaughter of the late evangelist Billy Graham, once again steps into the political fray—this time to endorse Kamala Harris in the...
The Church is Seen as More Relevant by the Unchurched Than the Churched?
I saw a statistic this morning that spoke volumes about the current state of the American church. A recent survey revealed that 40% of regular churchgoers believe the church is largely irrelevant, while only 27% of the unchurched hold the same view. While the...
SBC Megachurch Features Mummies, Zombies, and Dead Bodies During Worship Service
"David Hughes, the 'pastor' of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this 'church' into nothing short of a circus. Instead of nourishing souls with the gospel, Hughes seems more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades the pulpit for a...
Tongue-flapping Charisma Mag-approved False Prophet Caught Raining Fake Dollars Down on Stripper at Usher Event
Tyler Perry, self-proclaimed Christian philanthropist, sure has a funny way of showing it. This is the same man who shelled out a cool million to T.D. Jakes, a false teacher infamous for his “prosperity gospel” and who has lately been caught up in the swirling scandal...
Biblical Illiteracy is Idolatry
Imagine a church filled with self-professed Christians, self-proclaimed followers of Jesus Christ, convinced they know the mind of God but wholly unfamiliar with His Word. They argue they know what God would say, what He would do, what He would approve of or...
Former Reformed Podcaster-turned-feminist, Aimee Byrd, Ordains Herself and Officiates Her Brother’s Wedding
Once a co-host of the popular Reformed podcast The Mortification of Spin, alongside Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, Aimee Byrd seemed to be aligned with these self-proclaimed champions of Reformed theology. But it didn’t take long before this seemingly orthodox voice in...
Pro-Choice Catholics Unravel 50-Foot Pro-Abortion Quilt in Vatican Square
Earlier this month, in the shadow of the Vatican—a monument to centuries of deception—an unsettling scene took shape as Catholics for Choice, a group of Satan’s steeple soldiers, draped a 50-foot quilt in front of the papal palace. These pro-choice papists,...
Rainbow Priest “Refutes” Creation Timeline on “Indigenous People’s Day
Let’s talk about the latest gem from one of the high priests of Sodom. A self-appointed guru of archaeological "revelation," standing in his rainbow-splattered pulpit, doused in more colors than a hyperactive unicorn, believes he's found the final nail in the coffin...
Kamala Harris “Rebukes” Christian Students
by Dr. Sam Currin The truth has a way of coming out. For anyone who still has any doubt, several recent and prior events have clarified what Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris’ stance is toward Christians and people of faith.At a campaign event recently in...
Charlie Dates Admits He Joined the SBC Under False Pretenses to Try to Turn it Woke
In 2018, Charlie Dates, a prominent and well-known uber-woke pro-socialist Southern Baptist pastor partook in the MLK50 Conference that was jointly hosted by The Gospel Coalition and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. At that...
It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good
The war on children is real, and Disney is on the frontlines waging that war against them. And let’s be honest, everyone knows that Disney’s own sexual revolution isn’t just a weird little rebranding to stay “relevant” in modern cultural zeitgeist. No, Disney has...
Kamala Harris Is No Esther, She’s Jezebel
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church “pastor,” Jamal Bryant, in a sermon that could only be described as blatant political pandering, directly compared Kamala Harris to Esther, preaching directly to her, telling her that she was “born to lead a nation” and “change the...
John MacArthur Addresses Steven Lawson Scandal: “God is Purifying His Church”
Unfortunately, everyone is probably aware by now that it was recently revealed that renowned Reformed pastor and theologian, Dr. Steven Lawson, had been involved in an “inappropriate relationship,” resulting in his removal from ministry.Lawson, a prominent figure...
Andy Stanley Says You Can Deny the Vast Majority of Scripture and Still be a Christian
Andy Stanley, the son of famed late pastor Charles Stanley, has once again taken the liberty of redefining Christianity on his own terms. In his latest sermon, he laid out a scandalous proposition … Christians, he suggests, need only believe in two miracles—the...
Kamala Harris Panders for Votes at Communist, Pro-Abortion “Pastor” Jamal Bryant’s Church
Jamal Bryant, the pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, Georgia, has made a name for himself as a Marxist Communist who thrives on wielding power over others. His love for abortion is entrenched in his craving for this kind of demented...
Watch: College Girls Admit Abortion is Driving Force in Voting for Kamala Harris
It's disconcerting to think that so many young women would prioritize the “right” to murder their unborn children as the primary reason for supporting Kamala Harris. The fact that we've reached a point in this nation where children—innocent, defenseless lives—are...
Father Angry That Boy Follows 8YO Daughter Into Bathroom at Public School
This happened in Cabarrus County, NC. It’s crazy that this is allowed to happen. I remember growing up in public schools in NC and if a boy was caught in a girls’ restroom, he could be suspended or even expelled from the school and sent to a disciplinary school.Today,...
The Disturbing Trend of Continuationism Embraced by the Modern Church
I've observed over the last several years a phenomenon that is deeply distressing—the increasing embrace of various forms of continuationism by evangelicals and even within traditionally Reformed circles. Whether it’s the full-blown charismaticism that promotes the...
The Democrat Party is the Modern Incarnation of the KKK
The flames would light up the darkness of the night sky like a demonic signal, as the flickering glow reflected off the faces of the chanting crowd. Hooded figures, would carry torches and symbols of hatred and stand in a ritualistic circle, their identities hidden...
Maverick City Music Mogul, Kirk Franklin, Collaborates With Foul, X-Rated Hip-Hop Artist
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music.Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Tim Walz’ Wife is Reading Queer Propaganda to Little Children in Public Schools
Need another reason to homeschool your children? Well, Gwen Walz, wife of Minnesota Governor and VP nominee, Tim Walz, apparently has a new mission in life—reading children’s books about gay dads and their cats.While the state grapples with real issues like education...
Not Satire: Kamala Harris’ Solution to Black Men’s Problems is Free Money and Weed
Kamala Harris, the unelected Democratic nominee for president—yes, unelected, because no one asked her to be the face of the party but here she is—has now dropped her latest gem of wisdom upon the American people.And what is it this time? At first, I thought this was...
Legitimate Question: How Many Abortions Has Kamala Harris Had?
Earlier today, I wrote about how Kamala Harris took the pulpit at a North Carolina Church to preach about “doing justice” and “mercy.” Unfortunately, instead of a faithful exegesis of Scripture, what the congregation received was a political sermon from the...
With Bad and Worse Options, How Should Christians Think About Voting in This Climate?
The tightrope we conservatives are forced to walk these days is starting to feel more like a razor's edge—painful, precarious, and sometimes downright unbearable. On the one hand, we have a GOP that can't seem to muster the backbone to stand firm on one of the most...
Teacher Arrested at His Home for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns at School
If you don’t think the world has gone mad, just look at Ireland and view the clip at the bottom of this article. Ireland is only a few years ahead of the rest of the Western world, but mark my words, it won’t be long. In a stunning display of state-sanctioned...
“No Peace With Progressives” Should Be the New Rallying Cry of the Church
During the Protestant Reformation, the cry "No Peace with Rome" echoed like a thunderclap across Europe, a bold declaration by those who refused to compromise with the corruption and heresy festering within the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers knew that to align...
Op Ed: The DNC’s “Gender-Neutral Prayer Rooms” is a Metaphor for the Democrat Party Itself
In the latest chapter of the DNC’s ongoing saga of spectacular contradictions and performative wokeness, we are now treated to the marvel of a "gender-neutral prayer room" at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It’s bad enough that the women’s...
Evangelicals for Harris Praises “Pro-Choice Pastor” for Preaching “We Are All God’s Children” at DNC
Historically, Christianity was the foundation of Western civilization, shaping its very core with civilization drawing from its worldview—everything from science to business ethics to sound logic and reason. But today, a sinister new cult has slithered into every...
Texas “Church” Holds Drag Queen Bingo Event to Fund LGBT Pride Group
That places parading as "churches" have handed themselves over to Satan and his legion of homosexual sycophants isn't exactly breaking news anymore. These dens of iniquity, teeming with demonic influence, proudly flaunt their "gay pride" as if it were a divine...
The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization
Over the last year or so, we’ve been reporting that the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, had adopted a new mantra in its abortion rhetoric—“making abortion unthinkable.” Yet, the ERLC, under the guise of defending...
Missouri to Place “Right to Abortion at Any Time of a Pregnancy” on Ballot for Constitutional Amendment
Missouri's Amendment 3—the latest brainchild of the so-called "champions of freedom," who seem to have mistaken a graveyard for the land of the free and the home of the brave. Here we go again, with the same old song and dance, where "reproductive rights" apparently...
Evangelical “White Guilt” Apostle, Latasha Morrison, Canonizes Kamala Harris During “Evangelicals for Harris” Call
Evangelicalism’s “White Guilt” apostle, Latasha Morrison—what can be said that isn’t already obvious to anyone paying attention? She’s the founder of "Be the Bridge," a so-called Christian organization that is primarily concerned with cultivating white guilt within...
“Evangelicals for Harris” Wants Us To Believe Kamala is a “Faithful and Committed Christian”
Imagine, if you will, a group of people so detached from reality that they’ve decided Kamala Harris—a politician whose life and career is a veritable checklist of anti-Christian sentiment and policies—is actually a "faithful and committed Christian." Enter...
The Gospel Coalition Publishes Article Painting Critical Theory as Biblical and Christian
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is one of the Evangelical’s trunk lines for piping in worldliness and carnality straight into the heart of the church. If the three-ring circus that operates the organization isn’t busy finding gospel themes in Barbie or comparing Taylor...
A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: Part II – Racism and Black Lives Matter
Welcome to Part II of our ongoing series dissecting JD Greear's response to Megan Basham’s book, Shepherds for Sale. In Part I, we tackled Greear's contention regarding his infamous statement that the Bible "whispers" about sexual sin. We exposed how Greear, rather...
Lord, Lord, Did I Not…? Jimmy Carter Passes Away
Former President Jimmy Carter passed away on December 29, 2024, at the age of 100 in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. He was the longest-living U.S. president and had been in hospice care since February 2023. Carter served as the 39th President of the United States...
Prestonwood Baptist Comes to Town: Church Worships to Flying Santa Claus Song
In 2022, Prestonwood Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch in Texas, put on a Christmas performance featuring none other than a flying Santa Claus. In what was supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Christ, the sanctuary became a theater for holiday...
What Better Way to Preach Christ’s Incarnation Than…The Grinch?
Church on the Move, a “church” in Tulsa, Oklahoma puts on a spectacle worthy of nothing but condemnation during Christmas. Instead of drawing people toward the glory of Christ and the reality of what His incarnation means for humanity, productions like this cheapen...
SBC Megachurch “Worships” to Worst, Most Overplayed Secular Christmas Song Ever
David Hughes, the “pastor” of SBC Megachurch, Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this “church” into nothing short of a circus. Instead of feeding souls with the gospel, as usual, they were more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades...
Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has made headlines across the religious and secular worlds alike. Touted as a significant spiritual milestone, the event was live-streamed—for maximum...
Al Mohler Says He “Hopes and Prays” Jimmy Carter is Born Again
Jimmy Carter is a name synonymous with many things—39th President of the United States, peanut farmer, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and self-professed devout Christian. Yet, for all the accolades and self-proclaimed humility that have long bolstered his reputation, his...
Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for “Harm” He Caused by “Purity Culture”
Joshua Harris—a name that once graced bestseller lists and pulpits—has long been a illustration of peril for those wary of celebrity Christianity. Even before his public renunciation of the faith, many of us saw the writing on the wall. The Christian world has...
Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
There’s a reason some Christmas hymns endure for centuries. They don’t merely entertain or evoke warm holiday feelings—they proclaim truth. Continuing my series on Christmas hymns, I now turn my attention to one of those rare gems—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. It...
High School Math Teacher Forces Students to Role Play Coming Out as “Gay or Lesbian”
In yet another alarming display of the complete implosion of public education, Rancho Buena Vista High School in Vista, California, has become the latest example of why parents must abandon these so-called schools—better described as ideological grooming centers—once...
Santa is Competing With Christ for the Worship of Your Children
Every December, a rotund figure clad in red velvet descends upon the collective conscience of Western civilization, not through chimneys as legend would have us believe, but through malls, movies, and mantelpieces. His name is Santa Claus—a jolly old saint, they call...
Check Out the New “Jesus Mecha Christ” “Transformer” Toy
A transforming Christ-meets-mecha toy? Yes, the “Jesus Mecha Christ” transforming toy actually exists. It's like someone sat down and said, “How can I mock both God and basic decency in one fell swoop?” This isn’t art or satire—it’s an abomination born from the unholy...
Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger
Previously, I wrote an article calling for discernment while scrutinizing the lyrics of the popular Christmas song, Mary Did You Know? I knew it would be a provocative piece, as it was meant to be. However, my intent was not to dissuade you from enjoying these tunes,...
Social Issues
Lord, Lord, Did I Not…? Jimmy Carter Passes Away
Former President Jimmy Carter passed away on December 29, 2024, at the age of 100 in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. He was the longest-living U.S. president and had been in hospice care since February 2023. Carter served as the 39th President of the United States...
Prestonwood Baptist Comes to Town: Church Worships to Flying Santa Claus Song
In 2022, Prestonwood Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch in Texas, put on a Christmas performance featuring none other than a flying Santa Claus. In what was supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Christ, the sanctuary became a theater for holiday...
What Better Way to Preach Christ’s Incarnation Than…The Grinch?
Church on the Move, a “church” in Tulsa, Oklahoma puts on a spectacle worthy of nothing but condemnation during Christmas. Instead of drawing people toward the glory of Christ and the reality of what His incarnation means for humanity, productions like this cheapen...
SBC Megachurch “Worships” to Worst, Most Overplayed Secular Christmas Song Ever
David Hughes, the “pastor” of SBC Megachurch, Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this “church” into nothing short of a circus. Instead of feeding souls with the gospel, as usual, they were more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades...
Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has made headlines across the religious and secular worlds alike. Touted as a significant spiritual milestone, the event was live-streamed—for maximum...
Al Mohler Says He “Hopes and Prays” Jimmy Carter is Born Again
Jimmy Carter is a name synonymous with many things—39th President of the United States, peanut farmer, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and self-professed devout Christian. Yet, for all the accolades and self-proclaimed humility that have long bolstered his reputation, his...
Joshua Harris Posts New Statement Apologizing for “Harm” He Caused by “Purity Culture”
Joshua Harris—a name that once graced bestseller lists and pulpits—has long been a illustration of peril for those wary of celebrity Christianity. Even before his public renunciation of the faith, many of us saw the writing on the wall. The Christian world has...
Christmas Hymn Review: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
There’s a reason some Christmas hymns endure for centuries. They don’t merely entertain or evoke warm holiday feelings—they proclaim truth. Continuing my series on Christmas hymns, I now turn my attention to one of those rare gems—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. It...
High School Math Teacher Forces Students to Role Play Coming Out as “Gay or Lesbian”
In yet another alarming display of the complete implosion of public education, Rancho Buena Vista High School in Vista, California, has become the latest example of why parents must abandon these so-called schools—better described as ideological grooming centers—once...
Santa is Competing With Christ for the Worship of Your Children
Every December, a rotund figure clad in red velvet descends upon the collective conscience of Western civilization, not through chimneys as legend would have us believe, but through malls, movies, and mantelpieces. His name is Santa Claus—a jolly old saint, they call...
Check Out the New “Jesus Mecha Christ” “Transformer” Toy
A transforming Christ-meets-mecha toy? Yes, the “Jesus Mecha Christ” transforming toy actually exists. It's like someone sat down and said, “How can I mock both God and basic decency in one fell swoop?” This isn’t art or satire—it’s an abomination born from the unholy...
Christmas Hymn Review: Away in a Manger
Previously, I wrote an article calling for discernment while scrutinizing the lyrics of the popular Christmas song, Mary Did You Know? I knew it would be a provocative piece, as it was meant to be. However, my intent was not to dissuade you from enjoying these tunes,...
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The Scene of America’s Political Establishment: A Covert Glimpse into the Swamp
Picture this: the scorching Florida sun glaring down upon an endless line of scaly, ravenous reptiles, their gnarled bodies splayed across the banks of a green, murky swamp. Hundreds, thousands, of alligators, tangled in a slithering, heaving mess, their mouths agape...
SBC Pastor Claims Kamala Harris Has Character, Competence, and High Regard for Life
In Mexico, tales of the chupacabra have become much more than just rural folklore. They’re stories with enough credible sightings to make you wonder if these bloodsucking creatures really do stalk the countryside. But whether or not they’re real hardly matters. What...
The Chosen Actor Brags to Wife of Trans-queer Activist About Voting for Kamala Harris
The popular television series, "The Chosen," sits comfortably at the center of the modern religious imagination, charming countless professing Christians with its picturesque portrayal of its gospel—another gospel. In the real world, where wolves dress up as lambs and...
Russell Moore-approved Pastor Accuses White Evangelicals of Mass Raping Black Women
In 2018, Charlie Dates, a prominent uber-woke pro-socialist (now ex-) Southern Baptist pastor, participated in the MLK50 Conference hosted by The Gospel Coalition and the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.Here, Evangelical leaders like Russell Moore, David...
Not Satire: Harvard Memorial Church Hosts “Lectio Divina” Reading of Taylor Swift Lyrics
One of my readers just sent me a link to this, and though I'm not at all surprised, shocked, or taken back by it, it's a perfect example of the caricature of their former selves that our nation's Ivy League institutions have become. Harvard University, once the...
Semper Reformanda: No Peace With Rome
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Contrast is the Language of God’s Glory
Contrast—what a concept, simple yet immense. In its essence, contrast is the art of opposition, the power of two divergent things placed side by side, each making the other clearer, more defined, and more intense. It is the interplay of light against shadow, the...
Trump’s Spiritual Advisors are Vultures, and Yes, We Should be Concerned
Under a heavy sky, they circle—their black wings slicing the air in slow, silent anticipation. The vultures descend, talons stretched, to settle upon the rotting remains of faith laid bare in the dust. Their beaks are sharp and unforgiving, tearing into the sinews of...
“Evangelicals for Harris” Calls on Trump Campaign to “Repent” for Calling Puerto Rico a Floating Island of Trash
I received this email from “Evangelicals for Harris”—the oxymoronically named organization that advocates for godless politics—this morning calling on the Trump campaign to “repent” for pointing out that a third-world Caribbean island’s streets are as trashy as its...
Michelle Obama Urges Women to Hide Their Pro-abortion Votes From Their Husbands
Michelle Obama’s latest comments have taken her brand of divisive “empowerment” to a new low as she addresses women, urging them to see themselves as “more than baby-making vessels.” But worse, she suggested they vote in favor of abortion rights, even if it means...
Anglican Archbishop Says Homosexual Sex is Fine in a “Committed Relationship”
Justin Welby—Britain’s highest-ranking Church of England figure, yet increasingly more politician than pastor—demonstrates once again just how apostate the denomination is. When asked about “gay sex,” Welby says, essentially, as long as it’s within a “committed...
Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Publishes Op-Ed Endorsing Kamala Harris as a Christ-like Figure
In an op-ed published by Newsweek, aptly titled “I'm Billy Graham's Granddaughter and I'm Voting for Kamala Harris,” Jerushah Duford, granddaughter of the late evangelist Billy Graham, once again steps into the political fray—this time to endorse Kamala Harris in the...
The Church is Seen as More Relevant by the Unchurched Than the Churched?
I saw a statistic this morning that spoke volumes about the current state of the American church. A recent survey revealed that 40% of regular churchgoers believe the church is largely irrelevant, while only 27% of the unchurched hold the same view. While the...
SBC Megachurch Features Mummies, Zombies, and Dead Bodies During Worship Service
"David Hughes, the 'pastor' of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this 'church' into nothing short of a circus. Instead of nourishing souls with the gospel, Hughes seems more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades the pulpit for a...
Tongue-flapping Charisma Mag-approved False Prophet Caught Raining Fake Dollars Down on Stripper at Usher Event
Tyler Perry, self-proclaimed Christian philanthropist, sure has a funny way of showing it. This is the same man who shelled out a cool million to T.D. Jakes, a false teacher infamous for his “prosperity gospel” and who has lately been caught up in the swirling scandal...
Biblical Illiteracy is Idolatry
Imagine a church filled with self-professed Christians, self-proclaimed followers of Jesus Christ, convinced they know the mind of God but wholly unfamiliar with His Word. They argue they know what God would say, what He would do, what He would approve of or...
Former Reformed Podcaster-turned-feminist, Aimee Byrd, Ordains Herself and Officiates Her Brother’s Wedding
Once a co-host of the popular Reformed podcast The Mortification of Spin, alongside Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, Aimee Byrd seemed to be aligned with these self-proclaimed champions of Reformed theology. But it didn’t take long before this seemingly orthodox voice in...
Pro-Choice Catholics Unravel 50-Foot Pro-Abortion Quilt in Vatican Square
Earlier this month, in the shadow of the Vatican—a monument to centuries of deception—an unsettling scene took shape as Catholics for Choice, a group of Satan’s steeple soldiers, draped a 50-foot quilt in front of the papal palace. These pro-choice papists,...
Rainbow Priest “Refutes” Creation Timeline on “Indigenous People’s Day
Let’s talk about the latest gem from one of the high priests of Sodom. A self-appointed guru of archaeological "revelation," standing in his rainbow-splattered pulpit, doused in more colors than a hyperactive unicorn, believes he's found the final nail in the coffin...
Kamala Harris “Rebukes” Christian Students
by Dr. Sam Currin The truth has a way of coming out. For anyone who still has any doubt, several recent and prior events have clarified what Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris’ stance is toward Christians and people of faith.At a campaign event recently in...
Charlie Dates Admits He Joined the SBC Under False Pretenses to Try to Turn it Woke
In 2018, Charlie Dates, a prominent and well-known uber-woke pro-socialist Southern Baptist pastor partook in the MLK50 Conference that was jointly hosted by The Gospel Coalition and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. At that...
It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good
The war on children is real, and Disney is on the frontlines waging that war against them. And let’s be honest, everyone knows that Disney’s own sexual revolution isn’t just a weird little rebranding to stay “relevant” in modern cultural zeitgeist. No, Disney has...
Kamala Harris Is No Esther, She’s Jezebel
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church “pastor,” Jamal Bryant, in a sermon that could only be described as blatant political pandering, directly compared Kamala Harris to Esther, preaching directly to her, telling her that she was “born to lead a nation” and “change the...
John MacArthur Addresses Steven Lawson Scandal: “God is Purifying His Church”
Unfortunately, everyone is probably aware by now that it was recently revealed that renowned Reformed pastor and theologian, Dr. Steven Lawson, had been involved in an “inappropriate relationship,” resulting in his removal from ministry.Lawson, a prominent figure...