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Are Your Loved Ones Suffering in Hell?

Are Your Loved Ones Suffering in Hell?

So many of us have family and friends who are suffering in some way. Perhaps a chronic illness such as cancer, or some other ailment has taken over the lives of people who were once vibrant, happy, and well. Some may very well be suffering when we don’t know about...

Heresy of the Day #1: Marcionism

Heresy of the Day #1: Marcionism

Heresy: Marcionism Marcionism is a heresy that is attributed to an early church figure by the name of Marcion of Sinope. Marcion was the son of a bishop and moved to Rome about 135 AD. Marcion, who was denounced by the early church fathers including Justin, Irenaeus,...

Southern Baptist President Exchanging the Truth About God for a Lie

JD Greear is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he’s the fresh new hip face of New Calvinism (which really isn’t Calvinism at all) that the millennial generation so desperately desires. Greear is the modern face of our current Evangelical...

Proposed Bill in Iowa Equates Homeschooling to Neglect and Abuse

CBN — Homeschool advocates are speaking out about an Iowa bill that requires school and court officials to conduct health and wellness checks on families who homeschool.  HF 272, introduced by Rep. Mary Mascher, would make homeschool families who do not report to...

The Fall of Francis Chan and Why He Should Be Avoided

The Fall of Francis Chan and Why He Should Be Avoided

You may wonder why I believe Francis Chan has fallen and needs to be avoided. Isn't he orthodox? Doesn't he preach the true gospel? Isn't he, well, doctrinally sound? Well, Chan is a graduate of both John MacArthur’s Master’s University and Seminary, an unusually...

Hillsong NYC Pastor: We Wouldn’t Be Here Without Steven Furtick

Carl Lentz is the lead pastor of the seeker-friendly prosperity church New York City branch. Lentz, who recently announced that his church is “not anti-LGBT” and that everyone is welcome, including unrepentant sinners, is now praising Steven Furtick, the...

Gay Activists Petitioning Hillsong to Come Clean on its LGBTQ Policy

Hillsong is a multi-site megachurch with dozens of campuses and affiliated churches around the world — arguably the largest Church in the world, if not, in itself a denomination. The megachurch is built upon a foundation of entertainment that draws big names like...

No, Women, You Are Not Called to Preach!

No, Women, You Are Not Called to Preach!

From Beth Moore to Christine Caine, from Joyce Meyer to Priscilla Shirer — women, women everywhere, are standing up and drawing crowds to preach. The phenomenon, which is historically scarce throughout the entirety of Church history, is gaining a lot of traction. I’m...

The Gospel Coalition Now Promoting Charismatic Heresies

The Gospel Coalition is basically a bridge between orthodox Christianity and practically every conceivable theological heresy there is. While on the one hand, TGC is mostly Calvinists — at least in name — the practical implications that come from much of the drivel...