by Jim FennellHate/Fear/Ignorance/BigotryThese four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message of...
LGBTQ Issues
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June 2024, Pride Month: Part VI – Your Answer To The First “Horseman”
by Jim FennellHate, Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry…These four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who opposes their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message...
Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help “Save the West”
For a man who has dubbed himself the "Bible Answer Man," he sure doesn't strike much when it comes to the Bible. You may remember several years ago, I broke the story wide open that Hank Hanegraaff has departed the Christian faith to join the Greek Orthodox Church....
Major Florida City Passes Law Requiring Business to Use “Preferred Pronouns,” Catholic Store Sues
The Catholic Store, Inc. is currently in the midst of a legal battle with the City of Jacksonville, which has recently passed a public-accommodation law that infringes on the store's religious freedom. The law requires businesses, including religious businesses, to...
SBC Removes Saddleback for Women Pastors But Takes No Action on Church Baptizing Homosexuals
You're probably aware by now of the kerfuffle surrounding Saddleback Church, formerly led by Rick Warren and now led by Andy Wood, and its subsequent removal from the Southern Baptist Convention for ordaining women to the pastorate. The decision to disfellowship the...
SBC Executive Committee Liquidates Millions in Assets to Pay Off Left-Wing LGBTQ Activists
The investigation conducted by the progressive wing of the Southern Baptist Convention into allegations of sexual abuse has proven to be ineffective and costly. Many of the accusations made against pastors and church leaders were either unproven or false, and the...
“Pastor” Says God is Every Point on Intersectionality Scale: Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Etc…
Caleb Lines is a "Reverend" at University Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. According to his own bio, he "has a passion for pursuing social justice for the marginalized, demonstrating the Good News of God’s radically inclusive...
Willy Rice Threatens to Withhold Funds to SBC if Gay-Affirming Org is Hired to Oversee Sex Abuse Reforms
Guidepost Solutions is a third-party firm that the Southern Baptist Convention has contracted to oversee the creation of a "Ministry Check" database containing the names of ministers, pastors, church leaders, and volunteers who have been "credibly accused" of sexual...
Washington Middle School Curriculum Includes Asking How Gay People Have Sex
A school district in King County, Washington is using a perverse sexual curriculum for its middle school health classes. Using the FLASH sexual curriculum, middle school students are being asked how gay people have sex. Yes, you read that right. According to copies of...
Southern Baptists and Evangelicals Crying Over Decision to Disfellowship Saddleback
After the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee voted yesterday to disfellowship Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, along with several other churches, for ordaining women to the pastorate, many Southern Baptist pastors and Evangelicals are taking their...
Catholic Student Arrested After Organizing School Protest Against Boys in Girls’ Bathrooms
A student at St. Joseph's Catholic High School in Ontario, Canada was arrested for attending school after he was suspended for organizing a protest against biological males using the girls' bathrooms at the school. "Very quickly, I was informed by female students that...
Southern Baptist Convention Boots Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church for Lady Pastors
Last year, Saddleback Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch formerly pastored by Rick Warren, made headlines after Warren ordained three women to the pastorate at his church. Warren justified his actions by pointing to Acts 2:17-18 which has...
LGBTQ Group Overseeing SBC Sex Abuse Reforms Rebrands as ‘Faith Based Solutions’
The Southern Baptist Convention has announced the creation of a "Ministry Check" database which will contain names of ministers, pastors, church leaders, and volunteers who have been "credibly accused" of sexual abuse. Guidepost Solutions, a third-party firm that...
Couple With Gay “Married” Son Quotes JD Greear as Inspiration for Gay-Affirming Ministry at North Point
Greg and Lynn McDonald run a pro-LGBTQ organization called Embracing the Journey. Greg and Lynn McDonald have an openly gay, married son and they fully endorse his homosexual lifestyle. You may remember that when Ed Litton was elected to the presidency of the Southern...
North Point Care “Pastor” Explains How Andy Stanley Endorses Pro-LGBTQ Ministry
We’ve been covering the saga at Andy Stanley’s Northpoint Ministries where it has come to light that Stanley is far more affirming of homosexuality than most people realized. Over the last few weeks, Stanley has been in the headlines over comments he made during a...
Bethel Church Baptizes Openly Queer, Homosexual Disney Celebrity
Bethel Church, located in Redding, California, is a congregation that has become a hotbed of ungodly practices and delusional teachings, all at the hands of two men who call prescribe themselves as modern-day prophets and apostles of God—Bill Johnson and Kris...
Black History Month Liturgy: Black, Gay, Female, Male, Trans Lives Matter
When Black History Month liturgy goes terribly wrong, what you are about to hear in the video below is what you get. The death of George Floyd has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on society, fueling a cult-like movement that has taken on religious fervor. This...
Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward Affirming Queers
If you haven't heard of The New Evangelicals, it is an organization that claims to be a voice for the marginalized in the evangelical church, but its true motives and agenda are dubious. It purports to prioritize the voices of marginalized individuals, but in reality,...
Here’s Why You Should be Very Skeptical of the Supposed Asbury Revival
If you've been following the Christian blogosphere, social media, or new cycle, you're probably aware of the reports of a supposed "revival" taking place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. A lot of people are praising this movement as a true move of the Holy...
Andy Stanley’s Church Celebrates Coming Out of Transgender Intern Who Worked at Student Camps
In case you've missed it, there's a big kerfuffle going on over at Andy Stanley's Northpoint Ministries and its various massive campuses. Apparently, Andy Stanley is a lot more pro-LGBTQ than folks thought. For the last several weeks, he's been all over the headlines...
Northpoint “Pastor” Says Andy Stanley Told Her It Isn’t Un-natural or Sin to Act on Homosexual Desires
We've been covering the saga at Andy Stanley's Northpoint Ministries where it has come to light that Stanley is far more affirming of homosexuality than most people realized. Over the last few weeks, Stanley has been in the headlines over comments he made during a...
Major Church Leaves Acts 29 Network Over Promotion of Transgenderism and Women Preaching
If you’re not familiar with the Acts 29 network, it is a coalition of churches that are bound together under the leadership of its president, Matt Chandler. According to its website, “Acts 29 is a diverse, global community of healthy, multiplying churches...