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LGBTQ Group Overseeing SBC Sex Abuse Reforms Rebrands as ‘Faith Based Solutions’

by | Feb 21, 2023 | Apostasy, Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The Southern Baptist Convention has announced the creation of a “Ministry Check” database which will contain names of ministers, pastors, church leaders, and volunteers who have been “credibly accused” of sexual abuse. Guidepost Solutions, a third-party firm that previously handled other SBC projects related to abuse, will oversee the database.

So who is Guidepost solutions? The firm, Guidepost Solutions, broadcasts on its website that they “understand the challenges that faith-based organizations face in identifying, addressing and preventing issues such as sexual harassment and abuse” and bolster themselves as “experts in assessing cultural and organizational risks and providing concrete steps to facilitate change.”

What they didn’t tell us, at least up front, was that they actually hate the Church, hate God, and hate biblical doctrine. So, who is Guidepost Solutions really? Well, according to a recent social media post, they are “proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community.” In fact, Guidepost is absolutely dedicated and committed to the advancement of the most egregious form of sex abuse known to man—sodomy.

Keep in mind, these are the people that the Southern Baptist Convention spent your tithe dollars on leading an investigation into alleged sex abuse and then reporting on it and making recommendations on how to fix it. And these recommendations, which many Southern Baptist leaders appear to be on board with are not supported by Scripture and basically call for an end to “innocent until proven guilty” in the SBC. Among these is the newly-created database.

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What’s worse is that Guidepost, a pro-gay anti-Christian organization that is dedicated to the advancement of the LGBTQ movement actually created a subsidiary and aptly named it “Faith-based Solutions.” I mean, it’s like the Southern Baptist Conventions Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF), which is chaired by Marshall Blalock, heard the concerns of those who thought it a bad idea to hire such an organization to oversee a Christian ministry, and lifted his proverbial middle finger to them by simply renaming the organization.

Conservative Southern Baptists, they think you’re stupid! In fact, according to a report in the Biblical Recorder, Blalock told the Executive Committee that he knows “some Southern Baptists will immediately have concerns about our choice.” Those concerns are connected to a Guidepost tweet last June during gay pride month.

“Like many of you, I was disappointed with a message conveyed in one of their tweets last June,” Blalock said according to the report. “But I’m pleased to say that Guidepost has not only altered their social media engagement so this will not be an issue going forward.”

Blalock seems to be intent on selling the gay-affirming organization to the Southern Baptist Convention by simply having them stop tweeting about their anti-Christian pro-LGBTQ commitments and creating a subsidiary and branding it as “faith-based” in order to assuage the consciences of Southern Baptists. But, for some, that’s a no-go.

Mike Stone, a conservative Southern Baptist pastor and former presidential candidate said in a post on Twitter “The chair of the task force seems to think the problem is that Guidepost tweeted their ungodly corporate values, therefore the solution is, they’ve stopped tweeting about their support for a radical LGBTQ agenda.”

“No sir, Mr. Chairman. You’ve missed it by a country mile.”

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