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Proposed Bill Allows Anyone to Perform Abortions, Not Just Doctors

THE FEDERALIST — On January 22, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a measure permitting abortion up to the gestational age of 24 weeks for any reason, and after that point, if “necessary to protect the patient’s life or health,” that is, broadening...

Southern Baptist President Exchanging the Truth About God for a Lie

JD Greear is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he’s the fresh new hip face of New Calvinism (which really isn’t Calvinism at all) that the millennial generation so desperately desires. Greear is the modern face of our current Evangelical...

“Christian Abortion Doctor” Says He “Does the Lord’s Work”

LIFENEWS — Abortion, in and of itself, is a moral horror. But for abortion activists to claim the name of Jesus Christ in order to justify killing unborn children, that crosses over into new territory. I’m not talking about the moral gymnastics of equivocation...

I Aborted 1200 Babies, Then My 6-Year-Old Daughter Was Hit and Killed

LIFESITE — March 2, 2015 (Priests for Life) – I started doing abortions in 1977 in New York State during my OB residency. I graduated in 1980 and went into private practice, first in Florida and later in New York. In five years, I performed 1,200 abortions, including...

What to Do with A Gay Priest

To be fair, Sam Allberry says there is a difference between same sex attraction and being gay. I just happen not to agree with him on this point. There is a movement afoot in the evangelical churches to diversify. This diversity is coming at the churches in all shapes...

“Christian Abortion Doctor” Says He “Does the Lord’s Work”

LIFENEWS — Abortion, in and of itself, is a moral horror. But for abortion activists to claim the name of Jesus Christ in order to justify killing unborn children, that crosses over into new territory. I’m not talking about the moral gymnastics of equivocation...

Sam Allberry’s Unbiblical View of Singleness

In his article “Putting the Family First Puts the Church at Odds with Jesus,” Russell Moore said, “In fact, Jesus seemed out of step with the entire thrust of the Bible. The biblical story starts with a family—a man and a woman charged with being fruitful and...

Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

In the wake of a recent attack by celebrity, Ellen Page against Christ Pratt, an attendee of Hillsong Church, who called Pratt’s church “infamously anti-LGBTQ,” Hillsong released a statement denying this. Of course, Hillsong isn’t anti-LGBTQ — “we are an inclusive...

Robert Jeffress: Christians Who Don’t Back Trump Are Morons

PREMIER — Pastor Robert Jeffress has criticised Christians who do not support the US President. The head of megachurch First Baptist Dallas, Jeffress, who is also a member of Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, made the comments on radio presenter Todd Starnes’...

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