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Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

by | Feb 15, 2019 | Abortion, Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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In the wake of a recent attack by celebrity, Ellen Page against Christ Pratt, an attendee of Hillsong Church, who called Pratt’s church “infamously anti-LGBTQ,” Hillsong released a statement denying this.

Of course, Hillsong isn’t anti-LGBTQ — “we are an inclusive Christian church that loves, values and welcomes all people, regardless of their background, ethnicity, beliefs, values, or personal identity” — says the church who allowed open homosexuals to lead their choir.

Not only does Hillsong now openly affirm homosexuals, they also hold Roman Catholic masses, have sleazy renditions of Silent Night during Christmas, pose a nearly naked man on stage at a women’s conference, cover-up pedophile pastorsdefend abortioncomplain about the death penalty, and the reason celebrities love them is because they “don’t teach that book with Moses and stuff,”

The statement released Thursday reads,

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Hillsong Church loves ALL people.

We would like to clarify and correct the following misinformation that has appeared in several media outlets recently:

Hillsong Church does not preach against anyone or any group; we are not ‘anti-anyone’. We are an inclusive Christian church that loves, values and welcomes all people, regardless of their background, ethnicity, beliefs, values, or personal identity.

We are also a church that adheres to mainstream biblical values shared by the overwhelming majority of evangelical Christian churches around the world, and millions of Christians across the USA. Believing the teachings of the Bible and loving all people – including those who have different perspectives – are not mutually exclusive. In fact this is the very definition of tolerance and inclusiveness.

Hillsong Church was founded in 1983 by our Senior Pastors, Brian and Bobbie Houston and in all those years Pastor Brian has been a vocal opponent of gay conversion therapy and has made it clear to our pastors that we do not support that approach.

At Hillsong we want to be known by who we are for. We are for people finding hope in Jesus, we are for people finding love and acceptance, and we are forhelping people in any way we can. Our focus is on pointing people to Jesus as “the way, the truth, and the life”. No matter where you are in the world, when you enter our doors, you will be greeted with a sign that says, ‘Welcome Home’. That is the heartbeat of Hillsong Church. Indeed, that is the heartbeat of God.

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