Rebecca Todd, a "Presbyterian" "pastor" who is most notable for preaching a pro-abortion sermon wearing a Planned Parenthood stole celebrating her own abortions, recently preached a sermon complaining that some nurses attempt to save the lives of babies who survive a...
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Any Professing Christian Claiming It’s Okay to Vote For Joe Biden Should be Excommunicated
In the sobering words of 1 Corinthians 5:5, the Apostle Paul instructs the church to hand over unrepentant sinners to Satan "for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." This truth reveals to us the gravity of...
Despite What Big Eva is Saying, The Most Guilty Party in an Abortion is the Mother
In recent days, I've watched, winced, and cringed as Evangelical leaders have come up with excuse after excuse to minimize or downplay the wickedness of abortion. I've watched as Southern Baptist pastors rationalize rape or incest as valid excuses to exempt one from...
Charlotte Evangelist Angers Pro-Abortion D.C. Protesters by Pointing Out Their Hypocrisy
Charlotte, NC evangelist, Sam Bethea, hit the streets in Washington D.C. this weekend to come face to face with a mob of pro-abortion protestors. Sam has been an iconic voice in Downtown Charlotte for several years and is well-known for his repeated mantra that can be...
Southern Baptists: You Must be a Marxist to be Fully Pro-Life
Southern Baptist progressives have come unglued over the past two weeks on the issue of abortion. Historically speaking, being pro-life has always been a movement to oppose the unjust killing of millions of innocent children in their mother's wombs. The sick act of...
SBC Presidential Candidate Argues Mothers Not Responsible for Killing Children at Abortion Clinics
I can emphatically say that as a person who has spent several years outside of an abortion clinic preaching the gospel and pleading with abortive mothers to repent and turn away from the evil they are about to commit, rarely have I ever seen a mother walk in against...
This Sin of Abortion and the Cross of Jesus Christ
Is abortion a sin? This article is to help you to understand the Christian position on abortion. Christianity is founded on the truth of God's Word, the Bible, and it is solemnized by love and our profound responsibility to follow God’s commandments (John 14:15). It...
Southern Baptist ERLC Head Signs Letter Calling for Decriminalizing Abortion for Women, Tom Ascol Speaks Out
In the wake of the Supreme Court leak on the Roe v. Wade decision, secular and religious groups have been at each other's throats trying to figure out what to do next as the longstanding Supreme Court decision guaranteeing women the right to abortion is overturned....
Here’s What Evangelical Leftists Like Karen Swallow Prior Mean When They Say That They Are “Pro-Life”
One of the primary ways Satan deceives people is to obfuscate the truth by mixing a little bit of it with lies. The Scriptures speak to us clearly and warn us to be on the lookout for people who, like Satan, would masquerade as truth-bearers (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)...
Southern Baptist Pastor Says Voting Democrat Should Be a Matter of Church Discipline
As I've written and pressed on this matter repeatedly, voting Democrat is a very likely indicator that one has not been born again. The argument goes: God isn’t a Democrat or a Republican, so it doesn’t really matter. Well, quite frankly, that’s just stupid. No...
Karen Swallow Prior Says She Was In Tears After Southern Baptists “Trashed” Her “Pro-Life Creds”
After Politico published a leaked draft of the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on Roe v. Wade, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary professor took to social media to express her disdain for President Trump who is responsible for placing conservative justices in...
Jen Hatmaker Scolds Conservatives for Opposing Abortion
In the wake of the Supreme Court leak suggesting that the nation's high court will overturn Roe v. Wade, there has been no shortage of Evangelical leftists willing to supply the social media sphere with their progressive opinions. And you know what they say about...
Conservative Podcaster, Allie Beth Stuckey Destroys Gay Pastor in Abortion Debate
Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as he is an openly gay, self-described “pastor” who opposed traditional, biblical theology while installing himself as a biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson is an advocate...
Abortion Supporters Protest at Justices’ Homes, Firebomb Pro-life Centers, and Vandalize Churches
Tensions mount in the United States after abortion supporters held protests outside the homes of three Justices of the Supreme Court and at least two pro-life centers were set on fire following the leak that Roe v Wade might be overturned. Videos have also emerged of...
9Marks Board Member Likes Multiple Pro-Abortion Tweets
9Marks, better known as 9Marx, is an Evangelical Marxist organization founded by Southern Baptist pastor, Mark Dever and its sole purpose is to convert Evangelicals into social justice activists and, primarily, Democrat voters. 9Marks is responsible for advancing the...
Prominent Southern Baptist Pastor Calls for Legal Abortions
As the struggle between the progressives and the conservatives intensifies around that nation, it is also growing exponentially within the Evangelical Church, particularly the Southern Baptist Convention, as the leftists are beginning to remove whatever veil they had...
Reformed Christian School, Calvin University, Professor Says Abortion is Sometimes Necessary
A Christian university named after arguably the most famous Protestant reformer in the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, has become an icon for liberalism. Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is associated with the...
Pro-Abortion Mob Disrupt and Attack Mother’s Day Church Service and Demand They Stop Opposing Abortion
A band of pro-abortion Marxists entered a Catholic Church this weekend to disrupt their service and demand that they stop opposing abortion. Disclaimer: While this should not be construed as support for the Catholic Church as we certainly have our serious...
Union Seminary Uses John 10:10 as a Proof Text for Pro-Abortion Theology
Union Theological Seminary, the home of infamous Black Liberation Theologian James Cone, is well known for its ritual confession to plants for the forgiveness of environmental harm that they've caused. Union seminary is by far one of the most downgraded seminaries in...
Black Lives Matter Riot in Front of Supreme Court Justices Homes for the Right to Kill Their Own Children
Either Black lives actually do matter, or they don't. But a strange yet unsurprising phenomenon is that the Black Lives Matter movement is now organizing riots in front of the Supreme Court justice's homes in the wake of the leak revealing that the high court intends...
Gallery: Pro-Abortion Rebels Destroy Churches and Pregnancy Centers Amid Roe v. Wade Leak
"Those who hate me love death," is the warning of God in Proverbs 8:36. Nothing could be clearer than the God-hating rebellion we're witnessing in front of our eyes in the wake of the Supreme Court leak on the upcoming Roe v. Wade decision. Hate groups such as Antifa,...
Church Euthanizes Grandmother In Front of Little Kids as They Gather Around Her and Sing Hymns
No, this is not satire. This is not the Babylon Bee or the Nod Daily News. And even if it were, it would not be funny. What you are reading is real. A church in Canada recently assisted an elderly woman in medical suicide as her family, children, and grandchildren...