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Jen Hatmaker Scolds Conservatives for Opposing Abortion

by | May 11, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, Feminism, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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In the wake of the Supreme Court leak suggesting that the nation’s high court will overturn Roe v. Wade, there has been no shortage of Evangelical leftists willing to supply the social media sphere with their progressive opinions. And you know what they say about opinions…well, everyone has one. We’ll just leave it at that.

And while it’s not surprising that secular leftists feel like their lives have been overturned, watching Evangelicals come unglued over this is a sight to behold.

Jen Hatmaker, one of Beth Moore’s life buddies, has written a scathing hit piece against conservatives who would dare oppose the left’s religious sacrament of child sacrifice to their god of convenience. In an article on her website, Hatmaker writes: “This is intensely personal and private, and women deserve agency and choice not only with their bodies but over the decision to parent for the rest of their lives. Anti-abortion advocates have every right to their convictions, but those convictions should only apply to their bodies, their families, and their futures.”

Echoing the Evangelical left’s rhetoric, she argues that people who hate abortion should only apply their convictions to themselves. What she fails to understand is that not only are our convictions necessarily extended to all children—that is the nature of our convictions, we believe children should have the right to life—but that her argument is incoherent, illogical, and inconsistent. Let’s be clear, she would not apply this logic in any other situation.

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Jen Hatmaker, who first publicly renounced Christianity in an interview with Jonathan Merritt — a gay activist and son of former Southern Baptist Convention president, James Merritt — and says she first questioned Evangelical Christianity because gay people couldn’t have sex with each other, says that Beth Moore is her “mentor.” Hatmaker goes on to plead that she has “such respect for convictions and personal beliefs.” But does she? Of course not.

Hatmaker, who professes to be a Christian, has no actual Christian beliefs. She has no biblical convictions. And the only thing she is concerned with is gratifying the flesh—and, apparently, that means she’s willing to fight for her fleshly desires at the expense of the lives of millions of babies.

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