In the unfolding narrative of our times, where the fabric of a biblical worldview is not just stretched but ripped to shreds, there arises a question for us as Christians hanging on to our faith by a thread: How do we navigate the complexities of our relationships...
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Life Church to Exegete Super Bowl Commercials Instead of Scripture on Super Bowl Sunday
In our modern world where the line between secular amusement and what presents itself as "church" is increasingly blurred, Life Church, under the leadership of Craig Groeschel, stands as a paragon of innovation—or so they claim. This past summer, they spearheaded the...
25 Reasons to Call Out False Teachers and Rebuke Them, 25 Verses to Memorize
One of the prevailing complaints I am constantly addressing is that Christians don't have the right or the responsibility to "call out" other teachers or pastors in the Church because "God chose them." I recently responded to an email I received from someone who took...
Elevation Church is From Hell
Elevation Church is one of the most subversive and dangerous pseudo-Christian movements in the world. Following in the footsteps of Hillsong, Steven Furtick, the lead pastor, has built an empire that has grown tremendously with now over 20 campuses and even...
Steven Furtick Denies Orthodox View of Trinity, Embraces Modalism Heresy
Steven Furtick is a heretic, undoubtedly. He preaches a false prosperity gospel and bilks his congregation for money. He has made absurd claims about not only the Scriptures but God himself such as claiming that God reflects his image (rather than man reflecting God's...
Female “Pastor” Says Her God is a Black Woman With Dreadlocks Who Sings in a “Contralto Voice”
Serial blasphemer and "senior minister" of Middle Collegiate Church in New York -- a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual anti-white racist political organization -- says her "God" is a "curvy Black woman with dreadlocks and dark, cocoa-brown skin." The "Reverend" Jacqui...
Response to Robert Gagnon Defense of the Gifts – Part 1
In this episode, I rant about the deficient logic and conjectural exegesis displayed by the highly respected Robert Gagnon regarding the gifts of the Spirit and whether or not those gifts are active in the churches today. Dr. Gagnon’s work in the areas of political...
Tim Keller Questions: “If There is a God…”
In reality, with all of his problems, it is actually doubtful that Tim Keller actually questions if there is a God. In fact, I would argue from the Scriptures that nobody actually questions the existence of God deep down -- even atheists. People will simply suppress...
Jesus Did Not Come to Address World Hunger or Global Inequality, He Came to Save His Sheep
Evangelicals are lining up at the door trying to make the case that Jesus is all about a socialistic government that makes everyone equal. One of the stupidest articles I've seen in a long time is an article recently published at the Christian Post by Micael Grenholm...
Paula White Says She Went to the Throne Room of God, Saw Him Face to Face
It is extremely difficult to find people more out of touch with reality and engulfed in their own fairy tales than Beth Moore, but Paula White is one of the most demonic false prophet Jezebels in existence today. In fact, Paula White is probably the only woman out...
Beth Moore Denies Authorial Intent, Implies Scripture Can Have Many Interpretations
Beth Moore has been on the attack against Scripture for a long time. Last year, Beth Moore launched her tirade against the Word of God by attempting to pit Paul against Jesus implying that the two contradicted each other in the Bible. Now, she openly denies the...
John MacArthur: Charismatics Have Made No Contributions to Sound Doctrine
John MacArthur is one of the fiercest opponents to the charismatic movement alive today. While MacArthur acknowledges that there are some who are part of the movement that understand the gospel, he also rightfully states that their views are heterodox on the ministry...
Michael Brown Says a Witch “Sincerely Desires” to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians
Michael Brown is the world’s premier apologist for the ancient heresy of Montanism. Montanism is the heresy that teaches that certain spiritual gifts, such as prophecy, continue today and that it is possible to receive direct, divine revelation from God apart from...
A Former Beth Moore Follower Explains Why She Dumped Her After Learning the Truth
Beth Moore is the Southern Baptist Convention's most popular female preacher and has captivated many with her seeker-sensitive theological perspective and Bible studies published and sold through the denomination's publishing branch, LifeWay. Yet, Moore has been...
Critical Appraisal of Bradly Mason’s Standpoint Theory
In this episode, I rant about an article that Brad Mason wrote claiming that Standpoint Theory is NOT antithetical to Christianity. Maybe it isn’t contrary to Brad Mason’s version of Christianity, but it is clearly contrary to Biblical Christianity and I demonstrate...
ELCA “Lutheran” Denomination Makes Public Apology for Posting “Racist” Bible Verse, 1 John 1:5
Want a glimpse of where the Southern Baptist Convention is headed in the coming years? Keep reading. The Bible is the Word of God -- so actual Christians believe this anyways. But for some, including those who profess to be Christians and Christian denominations, it...
Francis Chan Embraces Charismatic Faith-Healing Heresy, Says He Healed Numerous People by “Touching” Them
Warning, this is why the Scriptures warn us not to associate with false teachers, rather we mark and avoid them like the plague. Don't be deceived, folks, bad company ruins good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). And, we've been warning folks for a long time that Francis...
Charismatic Pastor Says America Is Safe From Coronavirus Because Trump Is Anti-Abortion
Hank Kunneman, pastor of One Voice Ministries in Nebraska says that the United States will be protected from Coronavirus because Donald Trump has a record of being anti-abortion. Late last year, Kunneman said that abortion gives demons the "blood right" to carry out...
TGC Promotes Mother Goddess, Says Frozen 2 Theme Song is an Example of a Prayer to the Unknown God
Modern emergent Christianity can find a "gospel theme" in practically any pagan cultural piece of art that exists no matter how godless and anti-Christ it is. From Harry Potter to Star Wars, these endless charades in these elite circles continue to try to justify...
Ray Comfort Apologizes For Labeling Street Preachers as “People With Bullhorns Yelling at People”
Recently, the popular Evangelist and leader of Living Waters Ministries, Ray Comfort, took a lot of heat after releasing a video that appeared to condemn street preachers calling them "people with bullhorns yelling at people." Ray Comfort popularized the method of...
Does the Bible Allow for a Doctrine of Reincarnation?
In Hebrews 9:27, we get this simple declaration from God: "It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment." Here is a totally unambiguous description of our personal eschatology, i. e., the events that will happen to each of us individually in...
Jesus Rejects “Other Paths to God”
It is popular in our day to say that all religions are equally true. The Pope recently announced that even atheists are saved, even though they aren't aware of it. These beliefs depend on something that Jesus said: "The gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to...