Jack Graham, a Southern Baptist megachurch pastor, apparently has mistaken a political circus for a move of the Holy Spirit as he recently praised the 2024 Republican National Convention as a “spiritual movement.” Such an assertion, dripping with misplaced zeal, is...
The Church
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No, Abortion is Not a “States’ Rights Issue,” Here’s Why
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a chorus of celebration erupted from the conservative corner of America. The triumph was substantial, the cries of victory deafening. Republican leaders and right-wing pundits proudly declared...
SBC Picks Pastor Who Brags About Women Pastors in His Church for Lady-Pastor Study Committee
In 2023, during the annual meeting, several churches were disfellowshipped from the Southern Baptist Convention for openly defying the denomination’s statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (BFM2K). Among these churches was the infamous Saddleback...
The Spirit of the Age: How Secularism Undermines the Church’s Faithfulness to Christ
From the time of the early apostles until now, the church of Jesus Christ has always faced the powerful threat of worldliness, of assimilating into the culture around it and compromising on the pristine and inviolable truths it has been entrusted with. One of the most...
Charismatic Prophetess Has Bizarre Loch Ness Monster “Prophecy” and Compares Patricia King to Jesus
In the ever-expanding realm of self-proclaimed Christian leaders, few figures are as bewildering as Katie Souza. Armed with dubious teachings that dance on the fringes of Christian orthodoxy, she recently added to her repertoire of controversy by prophesying about...
Woke Christian Rapper, Kirk Franklin, Rebuked by Street Preacher for Friendship With the World
Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music. Franklin made headlines in 2019...
Unfortunately, Sarah Young Did Not Really Hear Jesus Calling
Sarah Young, the author of the blockbuster devotional "Jesus Calling," met the real Jesus after a long battle with cancer. Before her passing, Young had spent years publishing what she claimed were direct dialogues with Jesus Christ. Using a first-person voice, she...
Children’s Director at Acts 29 Board Member’s Church Openly Supports Transgenderism and Black Lives Matter
We've been covering some of the controversy going on at Matt Chandler's Acts 29 church planting network over the last few weeks. This organization has been wrought with controversy since its inception. Notably, the well-publicized removal of co-founder Mark Driscoll...
Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide
In a cultural landscape teeming with ideological disarray, even the dialogue surrounding Christian interaction with the LGBTQ movement has been pulled apart by polarizing narratives. A particularly concerning viewpoint comes to light through the Acts 29 Network, which...
Abortion: A Moral Quagmire Rooted in Rebellion Against the Creator
In recent years, a surge of academic inquiries has sought to dissect the contentious issue of abortion from various angles: moral, legal, scientific, and sociological. This has led to a broad range of opinions, some claiming the practice to be a woman's right, while...
SBC Megachurch Worships to Rave Song by DJ Who Committed Suicide After Battling Drug, Alcohol Addiction
David Hughes, the "pastor" of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this "church" into nothing short of a circus. Instead of nourishing souls with the gospel, Hughes seems more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades the pulpit for a...
Pastor Who Compares Jesus to a Stripper Applauds White Woman Who Succumbs to “Anti-racism” and “White Fragility”
Tim Ross, an associate pastor at the controversial Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. Serving alongside lead pastor Mike Todd, Ross is infamous for preaching sermons that not only twist the teachings of the Bible...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part XII: “Jesus Over Everything”
In Part XII of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we dismantle yet another beguiling but perilous slogan: the "Jesus Over Everything" mantra. On the surface, this catchphrase seems innocuous, even laudable. After all, shouldn't Jesus be our primary focus?...
Acts 29 Promotes LGBTQ Inclusivity in the Church and Waters Down the Gravity of The Sin of Homosexuality
In an era marked by increasing ideological fragmentation, the discussion around how Christians should engage with LGBTQ individuals is not exempt from polarizing viewpoints. A recently uncovered video clip from the Acts 29 Network, represented by Justin Anderson and...
California Senate Passes Bill Forcing Parents to Affirm Child’s “Gender Transition” or Face Removal
In an unsurprising yet deeply horrifying move, the California Senate has passed AB957, a law that not only usurps the God-given duty of parents to guide and protect their children but also establishes a chilling precedent for the future. This law is a tyrannical...
Memphis Church, in 2023, Instructs Members to Quarantine and Mask Up for COVID
Four years after the COVID panic hit the world, the vast majority of sane people in this world have finally come to see it for what it is—a scare tactic designed to force the masses into submission. Yet, there are some out there who just don't seem to learn, despite...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part V: Jesus Was a Political Centrist
In Part V of our series on Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus, we confront the disingenuous claim that Jesus was a centrist—a convenient compromise in the ideological battles between progressives and conservatives. This myth, often peddled by compromised church...
Max Lucado Waters Down Sin, Presents Sin as Merely a “Shortcut”
Max Lucado, a prominent Christian author, recently discussed the concept of sin in a way that, while aiming for accessibility, inadvertently waters down the gravity of what sin truly is. Lucado describes sin as an "unwillingness to wait, to trust, to follow God's...
Jesus Calling Author, Sarah Young Now Knows Who Was Really Calling, and It Wasn’t Jesus
Upon hearing of the passing of Sarah Young last week, I made a decision to wait a few days before commenting on the tragic reality. Not because I believed I had to, but rather so these words would not get lost in the news cycle. I also know how people are in these...
Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part IV: Jesus Was Tolerant
In Part IV of our series on Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus, we tackle the dishonest notion that Jesus was the epitome of modern-day "tolerance." The proponents of this myth willfully ignore the full scope of Christ's teachings to cherry-pick instances that serve...
Imam Stands in Pulpit at Beth Moore’s Church and Preaches From the Koran
Beth Moore, when she apostatized a few years ago and left a somewhat biblical denomination for a completely apostate denomination, made it clear that her intentions were to continue to rebel against God by performing the function and role of a pastor, which the...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part XI: Seeker Sensitivity
Continuing our series on the pantheon of modern church snares, the phenomenon known as the "Seeker Sensitive Movement" merits particular attention. Born out of a desire for rapid church growth in the late 20th century, this unbiblical methodology puts the focus...