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The Gospel Coalition Now Promoting Charismatic Heresies

The Gospel Coalition is basically a bridge between orthodox Christianity and practically every conceivable theological heresy there is. While on the one hand, TGC is mostly Calvinists — at least in name — the practical implications that come from much of the drivel...

Sam Allberry’s Unbiblical View of Singleness

In his article “Putting the Family First Puts the Church at Odds with Jesus,” Russell Moore said, “In fact, Jesus seemed out of step with the entire thrust of the Bible. The biblical story starts with a family—a man and a woman charged with being fruitful and...

JD Greear Patronizes Blacks, Dwight McKissic Ecstatic

pa·tron·ize — treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.Google Dictionary The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is leading the way in the cultural Marxist movement of identity politics and social justice. Under the...

The SBC and Its Mostly False Gospel

By now it is clear to most non-SBC evangelicals that the SBC is coming unraveled at its seams. Some might say that the reasons for the SBC’s collapse are complex and numerous. However, I have to say that I don’t really think that’s the case. In the interest of...

Unreformed Evangelicals: Arminianism’s Dangerous Conclusions

Arminian theology takes its name from Jacob Arminius. Arminius lived in the 16th and early 17th centuries. In reaction to sitting under Theodore Beza’s teaching, Arminius formulated a theological system that ran contrary to that of his high-Calvinist teacher and the...

Justice in All Its Parts: Responding to Thabiti Anyabwile

In a series of posts over at The Front Porch, Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to tackle the issue of justice. For those who do not know, Anyabwile resides in the absolute core of the Social Justice Movement currently taking place in the SBC and PCA as well...

Matt Maher is Not Saved, Stop Singing His Music in Church

Modern Evangelicals are happily embracing a deceptive evil, and letting it creep into their churches. The evil is a counterfeit gospel, a counterfeit Christianity. The evil is the Roman Catholic Church, and it’s creeping in unawares, especially to young and...

SBC Prez Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

SBC Prez Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

The current Southern Baptist President, J.D. Greear, is proving himself to be unfit for the position he holds in America’s largest Protestant denomination. Over the last few years, the SBC has taken a sharp turn toward political as well as theological liberalism while...

Cultural Seduction and the Demise of the Southern Baptist Convention

Feminism, Marxism, Black Liberation Theology, LGBT rights. Cultural seduction has taken over the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), unquestionably–at least by any rationally thinking Bible-believing Christian. The SBC for many years was revered for its conservative...

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