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Why We Need at Least 1000 Street Preachers in the U.S.

Why We Need at Least 1000 Street Preachers in the U.S.

by Al Baker “. . . having no hope and without God in this world.” -Ephesians 2:12 Perhaps you have a friend whose husband is in serious trouble with COVID-19. He is on a ventilator and your friend is not allowed in the hospital to see her very ill husband. You have...

The “Systemic Racism” Emperor Has no Clothes

The “Systemic Racism” Emperor Has no Clothes

The delusional left continues to try to paint a portrait in America that systemic racism, or systemic injustice against primarily black Americans, is a pervasive evil that must be stopped at all costs. They continue to use this fairy tale to excuse and justify...

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