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Tony Evans Implies We Must Embrace Socialism to Have Biblical View on the Role of Government

by | Sep 29, 2020 | heresy, News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Pelagian heretic, Tony Evans, has fully embraced the social justice movement within the Southern Baptist Convention and has joined the ranks of Evangelical leaders like Tim Keller who have exchanged the gospel of saving grace for a gospel of social equity.

Evans, pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Texas, recently preached a sermon calling on Christians to not ignore “abortion after birth” when voting.

Evans, like all social justice-minded Evangelicals, have embraced the notion that social inequity is as repugnant to God as killing children in the womb. Evans, like Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and others, believe that unless Christians embrace a government that is dedicated to solving these social inequities, these Christians don’t hold to a biblical view of the role of government.

When God is left out of government, “life and its value gets downgraded, reduced, dishonored and attacked,” Evans said, according to the Christian Post. “So when you think about Kingdom voting, you must think about the question of life.”

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“Life,” Evans continued according to the CP, includes “pre-born life and post-born life; abortion before birth, and abortion after birth.”

“See the problem we get in with voting is that we choose a term insurance policy, not a whole life insurance policy,” he said. “We choose a pre-born insurance policy, and not a post-born insurance policy because we do not view all of life in terms of the image of God. And as a result, Christians take sides.”

Unless the sanctity of life at all stages is fully recognized, “you will not have a biblical view on the role of government,” Evans said. “You’ll just have a partisan view or a personal view. But you won’t be dealing with life as God deals with it.”

Of course, Evans’ view is foreign to the biblical teaching on justice. Evans, who believes that it’s okay to balance out the murder of millions of innocent children with redistribution of wealth — a solidly progressive ideology — wants us to take these things into consideration and come to the understanding that in order to be pro-life, we must embrace the socialist policies of the progressive left.

“When we allow the poor to have worse education than others because they don’t have the same dollar bill, when we don’t care about the health, well-being of people who do not have access to adequate healthcare, when we reduce their dignity we have attacked God. And when we reduce it by law or by practice then that’s called post-life abortion because you are … aborting either the length of their existence or the well-being of their existence so it just depends on which abortion you talking about.”

Evans position is stupid and unbiblical and should be rejected by all biblically-minded Christians.

Evans also holds to other heresies such as Pelagianism, believing that prayer gives God permission to work, and that corporate gathering of the church detracts from worship.

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