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False Teacher of the Day #56: Mike Todd, Transformation Church

False Teacher of the Day #56: Mike Todd, Transformation Church

It's been a while since I published an article in our ongoing False Teacher of the Day series. But here is one who has become increasingly popular in recent years, and though the spiritually discerning already know this, it is obligatory to point him out. All...

Heresy of the Day #21: Transubstantiation

Heresy of the Day #21: Transubstantiation

Heresy: Transubstantiation Transubstantiation is a doctrine that was formalized by the Catholic Church in the 13th century, most notably at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. It posits that during the Eucharist, the bread and wine are transformed into the actual body...

No, Jesus Was Not Born Again

No, Jesus Was Not Born Again

I often hear charismatic Word of Faith preachers twist Genesis and the Creation narrative of God making man in His own image—and how man and animals were created in such a way that like kind begets like kind—to support their false "little gods" doctrine. It is a rank...

Five Marks of a False Teacher

Five Marks of a False Teacher

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith, hope, and love, all bound together by the Word of God. Yet, within this visible body, there lurks a danger that threatens the very fabric of our...

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