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Doctrines of Demons: Guarding Against the Influx of False Teachers

Doctrines of Demons: Guarding Against the Influx of False Teachers

The phrase "doctrines of demons" appears only once in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 4:1. The verse reads, "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons." This...

Carnal Christianity: A Doctrine Designed to Provoke God to Anger

Carnal Christianity: A Doctrine Designed to Provoke God to Anger

The "carnal Christian" heresy, also referred to as antinomianism, has been a persistent and recurring false teaching throughout the history of the Christian Church. This heresy asserts that a person can have faith in Jesus Christ and still engage in sinful behavior...

A Sodomite Church in Las Vegas Harbors Illegal Alien Cross-dressers

Northwest Community Church in Las Vegas, NV, touts itself as a church that is “fully inclusive.” According to its website, Northwest Community Church is a place where all are welcome. As a fully inclusive church, ALL are fully embraced for the wonder of who...

Cross-Dressing Man Sues Women’s Football Team To Join and Wins

[Christian Headlines] A biological male who identifies as a woman has won a lawsuit against a women’s football league and team, which prohibited anyone but biological women from playing.   [A man who goes by the name] Christina Ginther, who was born male, tried...

Joel Osteen’s Church Rejects “Jesus Was a Migrant” Message

[LMT Online] A Houston group that projected the message “Jesus was a migrant” onto the walls of several Houston buildings says leaders of Lakewood Church summoned police to remove its crew from a public sidewalk. Over three hours Sunday evening, members of Indivisible...

Baptist Megachurch Minister Embezzles Nearly a Million Dollars

HOUSTON – A Harris County grand jury indicted a former Houston’s First Baptist Church minister Monday for allegedly stealing more than $800,000 from the church. Jerrell G. Altic, 40, allegedly embezzled the money during a six-year period that ended in November 2017,...

William Lane Craig’s “Limited Special Revelation” – A Rebuttal

William Lane Craig’s “Limited Special Revelation” – A Rebuttal

Recently, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London, to give a lunchtime lecture on the “Evidence for God.” One of the students asked a very good question during the Q&A session: “Why did God limit his...

That Time Billy Graham Preached Universalism and Became a Heretic

That Time Billy Graham Preached Universalism and Became a Heretic

Remember that time when Billy Graham branded himself a heretic and said that one need not know Christ to be saved and get into Heaven? Good times, good times. Well, that video is documented here for anyone who doubts the veracity of this claim. Billy Graham preached a...

Why Apologetics Method Matters

Apologetics method is the outworking of one’s theological commitments or presuppositions. Since apologetics entails a defense of the message from God directed to human beings, it logically follows that one’s beliefs about the nature of God, the nature of God’s...

Captive Thoughts: Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics

Captive Thoughts: Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics

It’s tempting to argue with the unregenerate about God. They often level attacks on the very foundation of Christian beliefs–the Scriptures–claiming that our Bible depicts an evil, bloodthirsty dictator or that there are many contradicting passages in Scripture. Many...

The Judge Not Card

The Judge Not Card

You are here because someone, (maybe you), played the “Judge Not Card.” Let’s all remember that if you’re going to play the “Judge Not Card,” we all need to play it fairly. So the following is a biblical exposition on what rightful judging is and is not. "Twist not...

Catholics Are Not Christians: Why We Draw the Line at Justification

Catholics Are Not Christians: Why We Draw the Line at Justification

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. Winston Churchill In the Christian world, there is a massive assault on denominations and doctrinal divide. After all, we’re all believers and followers of Jesus Christ, right? If so, what’s the...

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