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What is Biblical Worship?

What is Biblical Worship?

In the vast majority of modern churches, what passes as "worship" falls short of being true worship where the standard practice in Evangelical megachurches on Sunday mornings is to put on a rock concert that aims to stir up emotions and elicit positive feelings from...

Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

In the wake of a recent attack by celebrity, Ellen Page against Christ Pratt, an attendee of Hillsong Church, who called Pratt’s church “infamously anti-LGBTQ,” Hillsong released a statement denying this. Of course, Hillsong isn’t anti-LGBTQ — “we are an inclusive...

Feminist Pastor Unveils Golden Statue of Female Genitalia

Just months after her call for women to send in their purity rings so that she could have them melted down into a golden vagina statue, Nadia Bolz-Weber, the feminist Lutheran pastor unveils her “work of art.” Bolz-Weber is on a crusade to turn the church into a...

Gay Priest Speaking at Ravi Zacharias Event Tomorrow

Sam Allberry is a gay priest in the Anglican Church — an apostate denomination — and is scheduled to speak on February 15 at the Zacharias Institute with well-known and respected Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias. Allberry, who is a co-founder of the...

JD Greear Patronizes Blacks, Dwight McKissic Ecstatic

pa·tron·ize — treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.Google Dictionary The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is leading the way in the cultural Marxist movement of identity politics and social justice. Under the...

Robert Jeffress: Christians Who Don’t Back Trump Are Morons

PREMIER — Pastor Robert Jeffress has criticised Christians who do not support the US President. The head of megachurch First Baptist Dallas, Jeffress, who is also a member of Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, made the comments on radio presenter Todd Starnes’...

BREAKING: James MacDonald Officially Fired From Harvest Church

CHICAGO TRIBUNE — BREAKING: Harvest Bible Chapel elders announced early Wednesday morning that senior pastor James MacDonald has been terminated. A statement posted by church elders cited “conduct that the Elders believe is contrary and harmful to the best...

The SBC and Its Mostly False Gospel

By now it is clear to most non-SBC evangelicals that the SBC is coming unraveled at its seams. Some might say that the reasons for the SBC’s collapse are complex and numerous. However, I have to say that I don’t really think that’s the case. In the interest of...

10 Common Bonds Between Catholicism and Islam

10 Common Bonds Between Catholicism and Islam

Mike Gendron is the founder of Proclaiming the Gospel ministry and a Christian apologist — an expert in the Roman Catholic religion. In the wake of the pope’s recent declaration signed with the grand imam of al-Azhar on interfaith unity, Gendron...

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