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Gay Activist to be Published by Zondervan: “Pastorally Accessible Biblical Theology of Gender and Sexuality”

by | Feb 14, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Nate Collins describes himself as a “married, same-sex-attracted/gay man who is a husband, father, and follower of Christ,” and “a vocal proponent of extending and receiving community with LGBT individuals both inside and outside the Church.” He is also the founder of the Revoice Conference, a conference for homosexuals who identify as “Christian” which was held at a PCA Presbyterian church, an ostensibly conservative denomination.

Collins recently announced that Zondervan will soon be publishing a book that he is writing, which he calls, “a pastorally accessible biblical theology of gender and sexuality.”

Now, let this sink in. An openly gay man — a man who desires to sodomize, and be sodomized by other men — is writing a book for pastors on “biblical theology of gender and sexuality.” This is the same man who said,

Sexual desire for someone of the same sex is sinful and something that I should repent from. But in this regard, some people are being too Freudian. They are basically saying that orientation can be boiled down to a desire for sex.

Okay, so basically what he’s saying is that it isn’t just sexual desire that makes you gay — you can be gay if you desire other kinds of intimacy with the same sex, and that’s basically okay. This is the same nonsense being promoted by Sam Allberry, the gay darling of the ERLC and TGC, who, through his Living Out ministry, promotes the idea that people of the same sex can live together and even have meaningful, God-honoring physical relationships, so long as it stops short of bodily penetration.

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And now, with Southern Baptist president, JD Greear, telling us that the Bible doesn’t speak as harshly about homosexuality as it does boasting and materialism, it comes as no surprise that this hogwash is making inroads into our churches. The sexual revolution has reached the most conservative ends of the Christian Church, folks. And it’s only going to get worse. If we don’t oppose this with everything we have, then we can kiss morality good-bye.

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