"And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high..." —Hebrews 1:3 NASBWhile Hebrews 1:3 serves...
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The Biblical Case for Christians Leaving Blue States: Shaking the Dust Off Our Feet
The debates in Christian circles have recently been marked by an issue of geographical color—the decision for Christians to leave "blue states" for "red states." The color here is symbolic, denoting political ideologies, with blue, of course, symbolizing liberal...
Prominent Black Preacher Says He’d Rather Go to Hell than Heaven With White People
Talbert Swan, a woke social justice warrior and black preacher has said he'd rather go to Hell than be in heaven with white American Evangelicals. Earlier this year, Swan, a leader in the COGIC denomination, falsely accused a white man of killing a black girl and then...
Tennessee Southern Baptists Pass Resolution Denouncing Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality
In an unprecedented move, the Tennessee Baptist Convention has defied the Southern Baptist Convention by passing a resolution denouncing Critical Race Theory and intersectionality. In June of 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution that affirmed...
SBC President Says He Would Use “Preferred Pronoun” For Transgender People, Calls It “Pronoun Hospitality”
The current Southern Baptist Convention president has caused more controversy in the homosexual debate than any other Southern Baptist leader in history -- even Russell Moore. When preaching a sermon on Romans 1 in January, the Southern Baptist president, J.D....
Family Sues Catholic Church For Priest Preaching Catholic Doctrine on Suicide at Son’s Funeral
Catholics have always believed that those who commit suicide are automatically doomed to the eternal flames of Hell. The reason, they say, is that after they've committed the act, they no longer have the chance to repent and do penance to work off their sins and...
TGC Contributor Says Same-Sex Attraction Not Worse Than Opposite-Sex Attraction
Rebecca McLaughlin, a The Gospel Coalition contributor and a married woman who describes herself as having "lesbian desires," recently spoke at an event with Tim Keller on the issues of same-sex attraction. McLaughlin was asked during a Q&A session how churches...
Jory Micah Says John MacArthur Doesn’t Know What Christlike Strength Is
If you don't know who Jory Micah is, consider yourself lucky. However, she is an up-and-coming superstar in the man-hating feminist wing of Christendom. Jory Micah, who apparently started "preaching" when she was 13, once said that if God were a man, we can count her...
Kanye West Tells Man to Be Quiet During Album Promotion Event at Joel Osteen’s Church
I've been very cautiously optimistic about Kanye West's supposed conversion to Christianity -- and I still am. However, West has always had an affinity for the spotlight -- and still does. Last week, we reported that Kanye West would be appearing at Joel Osteen's...
Southern Baptist and Evangelical Leaders Have Launched Concerted Attack on Conservatives
Those who tend to lack the sophistication of intellectual discourse tend to be well-versed in personal attacks and insults. This truth is couldn't be made more clear than in today's Evangelical environment. The leftward leadership of the Evangelical Church,...
Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges
NEWSPUNCH -- Dr. Bruce Hensel, a long-term associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested in Los Angeles on pedophilia related charges after he asked a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually suggestive pictures, according to prosecutors and law enforcement. Rep....
Kenneth Copeland Stops During 7-Minute Self-Healing Prayer to Ask Where His Liver Is
Remember when Paula White declared that whatever ground she walked on was "holy ground" because, well, she walked on it? Yeah, good times, good times. Now, Kenneth Copeland has declared that he will heal any part of the body that he touches -- because, you know, these...
Homeless Man Dumps Bucket of Hot Diarrhea on a Female Passerby in Los Angeles
WMAL -- Heidi Van Tassel was parked in Hollywood after having a pleasant evening out with friends at an authentic Thai restaurant. Suddenly a man randomly pulled her out of the car, dragged her out to the middle of the street, and dumped a bucket of feces on her head,...
How to Spot an “Approved” False Prophet
Why do people fail? Unfortunate circumstances? Sometimes. Poor training and lack of experience? Sometimes. Lack of sufficient finances? Often. The famous self-help book Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, lists 30 reasons why people fail. His list includes...
LGBTQ Activist and Son of Former SBC President Attacks John MacArthur, Calls Him a Misogynist
Jonathan Merritt is an LGBTQ activist who was outed for a gay encounter he had with another man at a Christian conference in 2012. Merritt is the son of former Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) president, James Merritt. Jonathan has been an open advocate for...
How Should We Respond to the Death of an Apostate? The Untimely Passing of Rachel Held Evans
Rachel Held Evans was on the wrong side of every controversial issue and point of doctrine plaguing the western church today. With full knowledge, she loudly and publicly chronicled her departure from anything that could be considered the historical Christian faith....
Official Chinese Govt. “Christian” Publication Turns Jesus Into Chinese Man Spouting Communist Slogans
BITTER WINTER -- Tian Feng (literally “Heavenly Wind”) is a monthly Christian magazine, published by the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China and the China Christian Council. It has always been a good indicator of...
Catholic Church in Ireland Says Gay Men Are Welcome in the Priesthood
The Roman Catholic Church, much like the Evangelical Church in America, has been drifting more and more to the left over the past few decades. As a result, we're seeing an influx of liberalism, feminism, social justice, and homosexuality -- along with an unprecedented...
Beth Moore on Tweeting Spree Challenge to “Encourage” Anti-White Race Baiters
Beth Moore somehow continues to find herself in bad company. And, as the Apostle Paul warned, we should not deceive ourselves, bad company ruins good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). Beth Moore is responding to a challenge by Bernice King, daughter of the deity of...
The Idolatry of Feminism
Feminism, like homosexuality, is one of the signs that God is judging a nation. When people turn away from God, apart from Christ, God gives them over to their sinful hearts. They rebel against God. Though they know Him, they refuse to acknowledge Him and they refuse...
Pelagian Heretic, Tony Evans, is Who the “Woke Church” is Holding Up as an Example of Great Black Theologian
If you've been following the happenings at all in the latest "woke church" attack on conservative white people, you're probably aware that "Woke Church" author and pastor, Eric Mason, recently launched an attack on James White by posting a clip of an old video out of...
A Campus “Minister” is Outraged at the Proclamation of God’s Word
Jesus warns of many false prophets who will arise in the last days (Matthew 24:11). This has become so much more evident today than at any time in history. The opposition to and rebellion against God is commonplace among the general population because, as the Bible...