It is unthinkable to see where we've devolved as a society—of a more graphic and disturbing depiction of Hell—than what one might see at a so-called “family-friendly” drag show involving children. That we as a society not only sit idly by and do nothing, but many...
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SBC Pastors Join Leader Who Platforms Homosexual Who Says He’s “Gay” and “Likes Boys”
Next month, one of the founding board members of Revoice, Preston Sprinkle, will be hosting the Exiles in Babylon conference which will feature several prominent Evangelical leaders, including Southern Baptist pastor, Matt Chandler and founder of the & Campaign,...
Greg Laurie’s “Jesus Revolution” Presents a False Gospel That Forgoes Real Repentance
You've probably heard of the recently released Jesus Revolution movie that's based on Greg Laurie's book by the same name. The movie is being promoted by several high-profile Evangelicals including former Southern Baptist president, James Merritt and former U.S. Vice...
Pretend Pastor Says Your Faith is “Too Small” If You Don’t Support Abortion
Speaking at a pro-abortion rally in Minnesota, a pro-choice "pastor" says that if you don't support abortion, your faith is "too small." T. Michael Rock serves as one of the Co-Pastors and Teachers at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ in Robbinsdale,...
Pray for Jimmy Carter’s Repentance Before He Passes
Former President, Jimmy Carter, 98, recently went into hospice care as he opted to no longer receive any medical care as the aging president inches closer to his last day. "After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to...
Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help “Save the West”
For a man who has dubbed himself the "Bible Answer Man," he sure doesn't strike much when it comes to the Bible. You may remember several years ago, I broke the story wide open that Hank Hanegraaff has departed the Christian faith to join the Greek Orthodox Church....
Catholic Church Allows Muslim Call to Prayer During Mass
A Roman Catholic Church in Ballyhaunis, a town in County Mayo, Ireland, has been criticized for opening its doors to Muslims for an Islamic Call to Prayer during Mass recently as this demonstrates the lengths that the Catholic Church is willing to go to embrace its...
Asbury Prayer Event Funded by Same Group that Funds “He Gets Us”
"When it walks like a duck..." Well, you know the rest. You're probably aware of the He Gets Us Jesus propaganda campaign that has been pushed heavily by Ed Stetzer and other moderate-left Evangelicals. He Gets Us is essentially a public relations campaign for Jesus...
Evangelical Leaders Called Us “Conspirarcy Theorists” for Being Wise and Cautious…and Right
Most normal, thinking people who weren't gullible enough to buy the propaganda all the mainstream media narrative surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak knew from the beginning, or at least had enough common sense to suspect, that COVID-19 leaked from the lab in Wuhan,...
Major Florida City Passes Law Requiring Business to Use “Preferred Pronouns,” Catholic Store Sues
The Catholic Store, Inc. is currently in the midst of a legal battle with the City of Jacksonville, which has recently passed a public-accommodation law that infringes on the store's religious freedom. The law requires businesses, including religious businesses, to...
SBC Removes Saddleback for Women Pastors But Takes No Action on Church Baptizing Homosexuals
You're probably aware by now of the kerfuffle surrounding Saddleback Church, formerly led by Rick Warren and now led by Andy Wood, and its subsequent removal from the Southern Baptist Convention for ordaining women to the pastorate. The decision to disfellowship the...
SBC Executive Committee Liquidates Millions in Assets to Pay Off Left-Wing LGBTQ Activists
The investigation conducted by the progressive wing of the Southern Baptist Convention into allegations of sexual abuse has proven to be ineffective and costly. Many of the accusations made against pastors and church leaders were either unproven or false, and the...
All Inhabitants of the Earth Will Worship the Beast
As we look around the world today, particularly around the Evangelical landscape, it is clear that we are living in a time of increasing confusion and spiritual deception. Mass deception and delusion is on the rise as people are being led astray by false teachings,...
Francis Chan to Host Ecumenical “Collegiate Day of Prayer” at Asbury University Tonight
*Update* - Despite The Collegiate Day of Prayer's official YouTube channel and promo video stating the opposite, Francis Chan and Rick Warren did not make an appearance during the Asbury prayer event. Below is a screenshot directly from their YouTube Channel stating...
“Pastor” Says God is Every Point on Intersectionality Scale: Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Etc…
Caleb Lines is a "Reverend" at University Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. According to his own bio, he "has a passion for pursuing social justice for the marginalized, demonstrating the Good News of God’s radically inclusive...
Any Professing Christian Claiming It’s Okay to Vote For Joe Biden Should be Excommunicated
In the sobering words of 1 Corinthians 5:5, the Apostle Paul instructs the church to hand over unrepentant sinners to Satan "for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." This truth reveals to us the gravity of...
The Bible Has One Word for Pro-Homosexual Southern Baptist Churches Like FBC Orlando: Ichabod!
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) isn’t just fighting a battle over women pastors, though this is the issue that will be front and center at the 2024 annual meeting in June. The reality is that the SBC is facing full-on apostasy from every angle, from women...
Caught on Live Stream, Man Attempts to Murder Pastor During Worship Service, But Gun Jams
A pastor in Pennsylvania is thanking God for sparing his life in a close call this weekend as a man approached his pulpit during Sunday morning attempting to shoot him. The congregation of Jesus' Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock was plunged into fear when...
ERLC Head Lobbies Congress for Unconstitutional Bill That Makes it Illegal to Quote Scripture, “We Are in Full Support…”
Yesterday we reported that the U.S. House passed a bill that would challenge the freedom to express certain biblical truths regarding the Jews and their historical actions. The bill, known as the "Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023" (H.R. 6090), proposes to adopt a...
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