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African Charismatic Pastor Performs Absurd Todd White-like Hand-Lengthening “Miracle”

by | Mar 11, 2023 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Religion, Video | 0 comments

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We talk about Todd White, the charismatic charlatan who is known for his blasphemous remarks about God. Todd White is a charlatan of the highest order, masquerading as a preacher and pastor. His supposed “healings” are nothing more than cheap parlor tricks, and his association with known false prophets and heretics should be a red flag to anyone who encounters him.

Despite his many foolish statements and outright blasphemies, White is a master at sounding passionate and genuine, which makes him all the more dangerous. This is what makes him the worst kind of false teacher.

But perhaps what Todd White is best known for out of all these things is his leg-lengthening parlor trick. What Todd White does is find someone who says their legs are different lengths, and it causes them to walk funny. So he will have them sit down and place their legs together in a way that makes it look like one leg is longer than the other. Then he starts yelling about a bunch of stuff about Jesus as he moves the person’s leg around. Like, it’s so insanely stupid it’s like he’s not even trying to hide the fact that its fake.

But apparently, Todd White has many disciples all over the world. In this video, you can see a charismatic pastor in Africa doing the same thing, except to a woman’s hands. In this clip, a woman claims that she broke her hand when she was younger. So the pastor has her put her hands together—in such a way that it’s obvious that they aren’t aligned—and then starts “commanding” her hand to grow as she slides it forward to the applause of the entire congregation.

This kind of foolish nonsense demonstrates just how far people will go to surround themselves with false teachers who will soothe their itching ears. They will believe such nonsense as this? It’s crazy. “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.” —Mark 13:22

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