The latest in a string of death of prominent Evangelical leaders, following Charles Stanley and Tim Keller, is the notorious charismatic televangelist and founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Pat Robertson, who passed away at his home in Virginia Beach...
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Charges Dropped Against PA Preacher Who Was Arrested for Quoting Scripture at Pride March
The Berks County District Attorney's Office has withdrawn the disorderly conduct charges against Damon Atkins, a Christian preacher arrested at a Pride rally in Reading, Pennsylvania, on June 3, 2023. The decision was reached after a thorough examination of the videos...
Former SWBTS President Spends Millions of Southern Baptist Dollars on Personal Residence
Eight months ago, the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) was rocked by the sudden resignation of its then-president, Adam Greenway, amidst allegations of plagiarism against the former SBC president, Ed Litton, whom Greenway openly supported. However,...
Rick Warren Brags That Nearly Two Thousand Southern Baptist Churches Have Women Pastors
Rick Warren has been at the center of the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) controversy over ordaining women to the pastorate. As you're probably aware by now, the SBC is facing a turning point next week as Rick Warren, former pastor of Saddleback Church and his...
JD Greear Suggests the SBC Should Take No Action on Churches With Women Pastors
You're probably aware by now that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is at possibly its final crossroad which will determine its fate in the coming years. Of course, God is sovereign over the fate of the SBC, but it is safe to say that we can determine its...
Bethel Pastor Says Jesus Has Reflectors in His Armpits That Reflects Our Praise Back Onto Us
Jenn Johnson, a worship "pastor" at Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of Bethel Music, propagates an extreme form of charismaticism that deviates alarmingly from orthodox Biblical Christianity. Jenn Johnson is the lead pastor, Bill Johnson's...
Pennsylvania Man Arrested for Quoting Bible at Gay Pride Event
In an egregious spectacle that could only be described as a brutal assault on religious liberty, Damon Atkins, a Christian preacher, was publicly shackled and hauled off for exercising his constitutional right to free speech in the town of Reading, PA. In this...
The Fate of the Southern Baptist Convention Actually Does Hinge on the Rick Warren Appeal Next Week
With all of its faults, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) at least has a very minimal doctrinal standard that is meant to unify Southern Baptist churches around a common set of beliefs. And while the denomination's confession, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000,...
Former SBC Presidential Candidate Turns on the Establishment, Will Nominate Conservative Mike Stone
In 2022, an epic scandal erupted in the Southern Baptist Convention when Willy Rice, an establishment pick for president was chosen to be nominated by establishment SBTS Trustee board chairman, Clint Pressley, to oppose the conservative candidate, Tom Ascol. During...
The Absurdity of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn and Banning Bibles in Their Libraries
Bear witness to the appalling descent into farcical absurdity that has overtaken our educational system, the utter degradation of pedagogical values wrapped neatly in a mantle of feigned moral superiority. Our case in point? The Davis School District of Utah, stepping...
Rick Warren Publishes Open Letter in Gay-Affirming Publication Pushing Women Pastors in SBC
In an unsurprising display of theological ineptitude, Rick Warren, the former pastor of Saddleback Church, published an open letter to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in Baptist News Global, a publication notorious for its pro-homosexual, pro-abortion stance....
Why is Calvary Chapel Platforming a Homosexual Activist to Push Politics?
We live in an era where the lines between the Church and the world are increasingly blurred. One might argue that the waters of the sacred have been muddied by the fingers of the secular, tugging insistently on the hem of the holy. One such instance that demands...
The U.S. Department of Education is Turning Public Schools into Sodom and Gomorrah
If one were to peruse the chronicles of biblical history, one might find unsettling parallels between the accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah and the state of modern America. Cities fraught with vice, idolatry, and abject disregard for God's law, Sodom and Gomorrah were...
At What Point Does it Become Sinful to Remain in the Southern Baptist Convention?
A momentous issue stands starkly against the backdrop of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC): at what juncture does the seemingly innocent acceptance of perceived doctrinal deviation transform into a sinful act? This question springs forth from the stirring...
Actor Who Plays Thaddeus on The Chosen Defends Homosexuality and Pride Flag on Set
Anyone who still believes that the popular television show, The Chosen, is a Christian television show is deceiving themselves. While Christians and churches have been entranced by this show for the last several years, many of us have been sounding the alarm about the...
Treason to God as Rational Justification for Eternal Punishment
by Chris ColeI get challenged regularly by atheists who object to God because, they believe, they don't deserve Hell. they claim that Hell is overkill for the actions of most human beings. Do they have a case? No, I don't believe that they do. In his book, The...
75-Year-Old Diabetic Woman in Wheelchair Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Praying at Abortion Clinic
The recent sentencing of 75-year-old Paulette Harlow for her involvement in a peaceful pro-life protest epitomizes the glaring double standards in our legal system. Harlow, a Roman Catholic from Kingston, Massachusetts, took part in a non-violent "lock and block"...
Contemporary Worship is a Breeding Ground for Idolatry and False Worship, Leading to Judgment
The Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) industry is a modern-day embodiment of false worship and idolatry—mooching off the name of Christ to launch careers, only to end up apostatizing, blaspheming Him, and supporting the very things God abhors, like homosexuality,...
U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries
It’s bad enough that our government pushes radical leftism at the expense of our sanity in our own nation, but did you know these leftists are spending your money to promote homosexuality around the world?Okay, so let’s talk about USAID, shall we? You know, the United...
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